Friday, August 30, 2019
Implementing new technology Essay
Part 1- Changes That Organisations Have Had To Make To Their Activities and Performances due to New Technology 2 Activities 2 Performance 4 Part 2 – How Employees and Employers are Affected by Changes in IT 6 Part 3 – How Organizations Can Manage Risks When Using New Technology 8 Cyber Crime 8 Security Measures 9 Part 1- Changes That Organisations Have Had To Make To Their Activities and Performances due to New Technology Activities Organisations have to adapt their activities to promote their products and acquisition of products and other businesses. Adapting Sales and Marketing Strategies. Some organisations are now changing the way that they market and sell their products to show their developments in IT. Organisations can now market their product by showing it on search engine results, this is a cheaper way in marketing their product world wide but it might be hard getting the top spot on a search results page. Business deals can not only be by the phone where people have to be employed, it can now be done by email, over the internet, conferences and video calls. This will allow the organisation to get the product quicker and will generate more business from abroad. This can also reduce the price of the product and this might be passed on to the customer, this will allow the organisation to be more competitive. Organisations can use viral marking to promote products. They can put adverts on social networks, were people will send information to another person. This will work well with teenagers who use social networks a lot. Some organisations will partner up with each other organisations to promote each products on their websites. Organisations can monitor or log sales using specialist software. This will allow them to get a much greater understanding of the impact of products on consumers. They will be able to adapt their product range on demands of customers. They will be able to do this by looking at feedback through the ordering system. Adapting New Purchasing Opportunities The developments in IT have helped organisations to have quicker and easier automated ordering systems. Some organisations use EDI to monitor stock, this helps them to track sales and when they are running low on a product, it will automatically order new stock. Organisations can change the way they sell their products to see what method is best suited. They could use catalogues which are cheaper then showing your products in shop, but they are still dear to produce, websites could be used and over the phone. Organisations might try to keep products up with the current technology. Using New Technology in Customer Support Some organisations have chosen to use new automated telephone systems, where the user has to select an option for a certain department. This sometimes leads the customer to be on hold, waiting to talk to a member of staff. Customers can get very frustrated and they will go with another company, who do not use automated systems. Organisations sometimes have a website with a FAQ page or customer support page and a contact page. Some Organisations also have a forum on their website, this lets other people with their products help each other out. Secure Funds Transfer Organisations will use Electronic Funds Transfer which help to reduces fraud and theft. Customers can use their chip and pin card to buy products which also help to reduce fraud. If a organisations has a online shop they could also use a 3rd party secure funds transfer like PayPal to make payments more secure. It prevent hackers getting in to the system they could use a firewall. Supply Chain Management An EDI system could be used by organisations to manage processes and services. It can allow organisations to talk to each other thorough the system; this will make ordering products much quicker. Outsourcing will let the organisation use a 3rd party to provide the service. Logistics Organisations can electronic tracking to see were customers product is, this also helps to improve customer service. Organisations can use software which is design to plan the most efficient route for deliveries. Organisations can minimize the amount of stock held. This helps to improve their cash flow. They can link it to their stock control system to make sure that they have enough stock for the demand of a product. Integration with Partner Businesses Organisations can partner up to provide a customer focused service. They will be able to communicate and coordinate their products or services by using an EDI or an MIS. By producing a product or service together, the organisations will be able to attract more customers to the organisations. Establishing an Internet Presence It is very important the organisation has a professional looking website. It can be expensive to build a custom built website but a website that has not had much money spent on it can look tacky and will not be the best impression on the organisation. Customers most make sure they are not mis-lead by a professional looking as sometimes the organisations are not entirely credible. On organisation website they might have support pages, promote products and services and they could also have an e-commerce site. Automation Manufacturing Processes Robots have been introduced to manufacturing, they can help to reduce cost, save time and do jobs that people do not want to do. Robots can do dangerous and precise tasks. Some organisations us both automated and manual systems. Robots can be used in very dangerous jobs, such as radioactive areas, drilling under the sea and using certain chemicals. Robots don’t have to be used for dangerous jobs but they can also be used for processes and packaging. Reducing Intermediation Organisations can try to become more efficient by cutting out the middle man. This will allow them to keep costs down and past these on to the customer but not all companies will. Some organisations will sell their own products in their website, this cut the costs of having a high street shop. Usually a business will make sure it knows more information than a consumer, as they will be able to charge more for the product because the consumer will not know much about it. Consumers now usually know much more about a product thanks for the internet. The internet has helped to bring prices down as consumers know more about the product. Performance Organisations will need to manage their services better due to IT developments. Productivity Gains Automated manufacturing and developments in customer support can help with gains in productivity. Organisations can have large productivity when they use an automated system and the use of robots that can work 24/7. Although robots will sometimes need repairs it will be able to work all the time. Robots can produce consistent products and the organization can rely on the amount of work the robots will do, this will help the organization to calculate how many products it can produce over a certain period of time and how much it will cost. Robots will need maintenance to keep up with new developments. Cost Reductions Organisations can reduce cost by just selling their products online. They save money by not having to rent out premises, not employing staff and the store layout. IT developments have helped many organisations by not having to employ staff. Increased Profitability To see if the organisation will increase profit, they can use a cost benefit analysis. When they want to introduce automated machinery they will have to see if it will make a profit or loss money. They will compare the new technology to the cost of staff. They will also look at cost saving in time as well. If the organisation does save money this is sometimes most on to the consumer but is it not always as the organisation might want to make a bigger profit. Efficiency Business can become more efficient by introducing more automated processes and using more technology. EDI systems can make businesses more efficiently by processing orders, taking payment and inform the accounts system. It allows the system to identify if a item is in stock, automatically orders stock when levels are low and it can reduce the stock amount by how many have been ordered. Improved Management Information Organisations can track and analyze productivity more easily because of development of specialized systems that can manage information. Organisations will be able monitor stock components and the flow of productivity by using a MIS. MIS can be used to create invoices and up to date information about the accounts of the company. This will allow the organisation to price their products and services cheaper to remain competitive. Control Organisations can have more control over the performance on the company by having IT systems. By having a MIS efficiency and effectiveness of performance in a business can be monitored by management. With more businesses going global it is important to locate alternative suppliers, they will be able to provide even more competitive products and saving money. Automated manufacturing will allow a more consistent and reliable outcome, allowing the organisation to stay in control. Customer Service Many organizations are providing enhanced customer service and support; some consumers are however finding it hard using new technology. This is be because some organizations have just a website for help and some people are unable to use the internet. This could lead to consumers not buying the product and the growth of sales not growing, So it is a good idea to have other ways customers can contact the organisation. Synergy and Integration of Systems Organisation can now combine IT systems due to IT development. It allows the organisation IT systems to work more effectively. Organisation needs to make sure that when it upgrades the IT systems that they will work with each other and make sure staff can use it. Organisations that have an EDI or an MIS tend to be able integrate systems more effective. Part 2 – How Employees and Employers are Affected by Changes in IT Organisations have adapted their way of working when they use new IT developments, they may have to adapt to new staffing structures and job titles. Up Skilling of Workforce Employers A business will have to make sure that it knows when to train to use new IT developments. Sometimes the organisation will have to train staff to use specialist software, the employees will not be able to learn how to use to software it just a few hours they will need time to learn the features and functions of the software. They will need to think of the employees learning styles as many people will learn in different ways and also they also have different levels of ability and confidence. This will also have to be taken in to account when they like at the impact of adapting to new IT developments. Employees Employees will have to keep up to date with technology; some employers will employ new staff with the relevant knowledge and make other employees redundant. Employers might send employers to get trained to use new software in work hours or they might be asked to go in their own time. Dealing with Redundant Skills and Employees Employers When an organisation changes the way it operates can impact the number of staff. Organisations must make sure that it does not have unnecessary cost and should deal with redundant skills and employees. When an organisation decides to make people redundant they will have to decide what role they are going to make redundant to make it worthwhile, they also need to think about any other costs like, office space and resources. Also they need to think about redundancy money they will pay out. Employees. When organisation decide to make staff redundant, they must make sure that they do not make the wrong employee redundant and make another employee do their jobs as they may not have the skill to do the work. If an employee does not have the relevant skills they might be asked too do a course or be made redundant, so the organisation can employ some one else with the up to date skills. Home and Remote Working Employers Home working can help the organisation to cut costs, as it does not have to pay for office space. Organisations will also have remote workers which will work away from the office; they will be able to use mobile technology. If staff are working from home their work may not be up to standard and the effect on the individual or family by the intrusion in their home. Employees Some employees might prefer to work from home as they will be able to be more flexible and can do work when it suits them. Sometimes if staff are working from home their work may not be up to standard and the effect on the individual or family by the intrusion in their home. Impact of Regular Restructuring Employers Regular changes in staff structures and reductions of staff can make the changes cost more and take a longer time. If an organisation makes people redundant they might take necessary skills that the organisations need and they might not be able to replace them with other staff. Employees When restructuring staff the organisation may promote staff to management and they are not ready for a high level position or they might not have the right equipment to manage staff effectively. When new teams are made to work with each other they may not be as effective as the old ones as some teams are made up of different personalities. Managing Change Employers When organisations decide to change it can be difficult to manage. It can also cost loads to change. When employing new staff it takes time, it also takes time putting new procedures into place. Organisations must be careful when moving staff to different jobs that they do not want as they might not have the skills to do their job. Employees Some employees do not adapt to change easily, some staff might have to be moved to roles they do not like and not have the skill they need to carry out the job. Some people are upset by change as they are not always in control but if they are kept informed about what is going to happen it will help them it prepare them for what is going to happen. Balance of Core Employees with Contractors and Outsourced Staff Employers A strategy is needed when considering making staff reductions, changes to job roles and outsourcing services. Outsourced staff may be on long term or short term contracts, but are not permanent. It might not be a very effective to run an organisation on temporary staff as they may not be very loyal and not always available. Employees When the organisation decides to get temporary staff they have to think about what the permanent staff will react, they might not like some one coming in and doing their work or they might try to give all the work to the temporary staff. Part 3 – How Organizations Can Manage Risks When Using New Technology It is very important for a organisation to mange risks when they are going to use new developments in IT. It is also important to make changes to security due to IT developments. Cyber Crime It is import that security on the internet is up to date with recent IT developments as the risk of cyber crime is greater. Type Of Cyber Risk Description of Risk Methods for Minimising Risk Diverting Financial Assets Criminals can easily and quickly transfer sums of money across the internet. It is helped the high amount of purchasing on the internet. A business will found it hard to track and indentify the transactions on a global scale. Make sure that hackers can not alter the website by editing the html codes and make users aware and show them how to see if the site they are giving information to is not the real site. Sabotage Communications Viruses can sabotage communications, they might be sent through email attachments and files being downloaded. Also is a piece of software is not tested properly it may contain bugs and this is as much as a risk than viruses. It is import to have security software on a computer or on the network. Make sure that software is properly tested for bugs that may occur. Steal Intellectual Property Business most of the times have the exclusive right to a design to which they have patented, which can not be copied by anyone else. Sometimes other business might copy their idea. On the internet is very easy to copy and paste someone else work, this is illegal. Business can check that their work is not being copied by using search engines, as they are able to search loads of text to match content quickly. Denial of Service Attacks This happens when a site has a lot of requests for a page on it and jamming the site, until it goes off line. This will stop the organisation from making money. Firewalls can be used to prevent most unwanted traffic, but traffic can made to evade the system and flood the firewall. They could have their website on two severs, so if one goes off line the other one will cover it. Halt e-commerce Transactions Theft over the internet is becoming a major issue, and this sometimes stops transactions. Credit and debit card theft is the main issue and spam mail being another. It is important that countries have regulations on e-commerce. Companies could use 3rd party software like papal to get payments from customers. Security Measures Firewalls A firewall is a security measure that prevents unauthorized electronic access to a computer system. A firewall’s basic task is to regulate some of the flow of traffic between computer networks of different trust levels. It may be necessary to have more than one firewall, each server may need one. Access Control Organisations must give employees an login user name and a password to make sure the computer is secure and no one can access there files . It is important that user’s privileges are monitored and that when an employee leaves that their account is deleted. If an organisation has a wireless internet connection then they will need to have it security-enabled, to prevent unauthorised access, unauthorised user could connect to the network and access important business information. Physical Security CCTV can be used it prevent and capture images or video of the people how are tampering or stealing equipment. It can record 24/7 to see what events have gone on. It can be copy to DVD and sent to the police for evidence. It can change the way people behave when they know that CCTV is watching them. Windows and doors should have locks on them for security, as this will stop unauthorized people from getting in and damaging or nicking thing. Digital keypads can be fitted on to doors and only people with the code can enter the room. Mobile devices can be secured by fitting a chain and padlock, key or combination lock attached to a metal cable. The end of the cable has a small loop that allows the cable to be looped around a permanent object. Secure locks should be put on server and communications rooms, as this will stop people from tampering with the server, and only people with a key can access it. Security Personal can look around to see if there are any suspicious people around and move people on. They could also watch the CCTV Backups It is important that orgainisations have a back up of important information, it will depend on what sort of information is backed up on a regular basis. Individuals should make sure that they back up files on a regular and frequently. It is important for organisations to make sure that they back up financial accounts before and after each month end and annually. Decisions being made about what files are saved and what data is contain in them. Backups should be also including mobile phones and PDA’s. It is important to documenting a network as it prevents loss of important network information; it can reduce the need to research solutions. The documenting must be up to date. It is a good idea to document the following:  Listing addressing schemes  Domain structures Cable runs  Customers, Suppliers, etc Disaster Recovery Procedures Back up and recovery is very important to ensure that the system is secure and safe. Having a back up and restoring is critical, some organisations should back up there data every day and done overnight, but it depends on the size of the company. Some organisations keep their records on a off site location and keep them for at least a day, but some keep them monthly or weekly. Power surge equipment should be brought to protect equipment; as if there is a electrical storm they can cause power surges and can damage electrical equipment. Organisations should have a disaster recovery policy, which gives the details about what actions can be taken in an event of a human or natural disaster which can affect an organisation. Disasters may be: fire, natural disasters, power failure, disruptions, terrorist attacks, equipment failure, human error, etc. The policy may include procedures for: data relocation, alternative sites, additional workers and equipment.
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