Monday, September 30, 2019
First experience to a foreign country Essay
I have an aunt who has been living in the United States since she was eighteen years old and she used to invite me to stay with her many times. One day I decided to go. Staying with her and her family was one of the greatest experiences in my life. Besides learning a new language, I made new friends and I really got into the culture of a great and beautiful country. When I arrived there, I got very excited. First, I was excited because it was my first time in a foreign country, and second because I was going to live something really new in my life. On the other hand, learning English wasn’t an easy process because my aunt used to speak just Portuguese with me; I used to take English classes just twice a week and all the students were foreign too. My experience of learning English in a regular course was limited to this little experience and a short period taking English as a Second Language at the local College. Thus, from that period until de end of the time there, I learned the language with the people from the city and the new friends I had met. Besides the experience of studying a new language, making new friends was the best aspect of living abroad. I had a girlfriend who lived in a beautiful city by the Pacific Ocean and I used to spend every weekend with her. We used to go out often and in one of these times I met my first American boyfriend. He was handsome and very kind and we had a great time together. He took me to many interesting places and showed me the authentic American way of life by introducing me to his family, his friends and his culture. Moreover, going out constantly and talking to him helped me to improve the skills with the language and mainly to be familiar with the American people and their habits and customs. Another great experience I had was working as a babysitter. Once I read in the newspaper an advertisement looking for a foreign girl to take care of two children. At first I got really scared with the big responsibility of taking care of two children, but I decided to live this new adventure. The family’s house was in a very nice place by the ocean and the children were very cute and curious about my â€Å"weird accent†. In spite of the fact that this new experience wasn’t easy due to my lack of practice at that time, everything went well and the whole situation was very meaningful to my life.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Psychology-Carl Jung Essay
Chapter 1 is titled: Dream-Analysis in Its Practical Application. The use of dream-analysis according to Jung in psychotherapy is still a debated topic/question. Some practitioners find using dream-analysis to be necessary in treating neuroses while others find that it is simply part of the psyche. If dream-analysis is to be treated then recognizing the unconscious is a must. It is a method for discovering the unconscious psychic contents that are related to neuroses. Jung says that the analysis and interpretation of dreams can be justified scientifically due to the fact that the unconscious plays a part in neurosis and because dreams are expressing directly from the unconscious activity. Dreams give a correct picture of the subjective state although the conscious mind denies this exists. According to Jung, dreams are to be on the same level as physiology. He gave the example that if sugar is seen in urine, then urine contains sugar. He used that because he believes dreams are facts which are valuable for diagnosis. It allows an insight for the cause of neuroses as well as a prognosis. It can show at what point the treatment should begin. Jung states that the Freudian view believes it necessary for the patient to be conscious of his/her disturbances (surviving the trauma). Jung doesn’t deny that some neuroses have a traumatic origin but he does not believe that all neuroses are of this origin. In order for the dream or neurosis to have true significance, a causalistic approach only will not suffice. Shortly after the beginning of treatment, dreams seem to become less transparent. There can start to become a difficulty in interpretation due to the doctor being unable to understand the whole situation. Jung states that unintelligible dreams are a result of the doctor’s subjective opinion being reflected. It is essential for the analyst to admit a lack of understanding when it occurs in therapy. By stretching the truth, the analyst appeals to the patient’s brain, however, helping him/her grow into their truth reaches the heart. There are secrets of the inner life that dreams give information about as well letting the dreamer know some things about their personality. Chapter 3 is titled: The Aims of Psychotherapy. The formation of neurosis and basic principles of therapy are not agreed upon by psychochologists/psychoanalysists. According to Jung, many people find that explaining their troubles give them an urge to power that comes from a sense of inferiority. The psychotherapist’s successes teach him little or nothing. His/her failures are priceless in that they force him/her to change their views and/or methods. Jung states that it makes no sense to teach from the Freudian viewpoint to a patient to whom the Adlerian theory applies. The doctor is not really in a better position than the patient’s psyche to know what is wanted, although it unconscious to the patient. When it comes to psychic constitution, some people have a spiritual attitude and some a materialistic one. These attitudes show ingrained passions. Jung lets his experience be the decision making tool in terms of therapy. Great choices of life have more to do with instincts than conscious will. Jung’s contribution to psychotherapy for those cases where rational treatment produces no satisfactory results, are confined. Roughly 1/3 of his patients are not suffering from clinical neurosis but from the emptiness of their lives. By meditating on a dream thoroughly, something always comes out of it. It is an important hint that shows the patient the unconscious leading him/her. Jung says there is difficulty when dreams do not show anything tangible. Those dreams give clues of possibilities and never can be made plausible to an outsider. Dreams that contain mythological images can be strange and baffling. For Jung, primitive psychology, mythology, comparative religion, and archaeology is important as they provide analogies that enriches the lives of his patients. Jung says that creative fantasy is the origin for all works of man. This activity of imagination frees man from the â€Å"nothing but†to a spirit of play. Jung’s aim is to create a psychic state where the patient can begin to experiment with their own nature. â€Å"The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it†(Carl Jung). Chapter 5 is titled: The Stages of Life. The problems associated with stages of human development means to unfold a picture of psychic life from cradle to grave. According to Jung, our psychic processes are made up of reflections, experiments, and doubts. They are all foreign to the unconscious mind of man. The existence of problems comes from the growth of consciousness. When man turns away from instinct it creates consciousness. Problems draw an isolated state where nature abandons and consciousness is driven. Even in that, a wider and higher consciousness gives us certainty and clarity. In dealing with problems, we instinctively refuse the way that leads through darkness yet want gratifying results. Knowing is based on a conscious connection with psychic contents. Jung talks about how it seems that young people who struggle with their existence are spared inner problems and those whom adapt easily run into sex problems or conflicts arising from a sense of inferiority. Those who try and protect themselves against the new or strange, regress back to the past and falls in the same neurotic state as the one who can identify the new but runs from the past. Whatever the past gives to us is normally adapted to future possibilities and demands. The design and meaning of a problem does not lie in the solution but in the constant working at it. Statistics show that there is a rise in mental depression cases for men around 40. For women, neurotic difficulties show up earlier. According to Jung, a human being could not live to 70 or 80 if the longevity had no meaning for the species. Jung states that we do not know what happens to a person after they are dead. There are no scientific proofs about it. From the psychotherapy view, it is more desirable to think of death as a transition-a part of the life process whose time and extent escapes our knowledge. The working of the intellect is an understanding that thinking is an equation that nothing comes out of but what we put in. Chapter 6 is titled: Freud and Jung-Contrasts. Widely accepted ideas are not the personal property of their author. Contrary, the author is the servant of his ideas. We do not create ideas, they create us. True expression helps us achieve the best. It consists in giving form to what we observe. Jung states that Freud’s theory regarding sexuality, infantile pleasure and the conflict they have with reality is the truest expression of his psychic makeup. Jung points out that he is not an opponent of Freud. He says our perception is conditioned by what we are. Since we are all different, we see and express things differently. Jung looks at man in ways of health and soundness trying to free the sick from Freud’s point of view. Jung states that Freud’s teaching is one-sided generalizing facts only from neurotic states of mind. According to Jung, Freud made a mistake going against philosophy. Jung has never refused philosophical criticism. He knows that every word he speaks, carries something of himself. He doesn’t doubt that natural instincts are forces of propulsion in human life despite if they are called sexuality or the will to power. Yet, he doesn’t doubt also that these instincts collide with the spirit. Jung attributes a positive value to religion and biology. Freud attributed sexuality as the only driving psychic power. Jung says that only after he split from Freud did Freud begin to acknowledge equal status for to other psychic activities. Although Freud says Jung denies the importance of sexuality in psychic life, Jung claims otherwise. Jung says he tries to set limits to the terminology of sex and merely put it in its place. What Freud describes is that sexual obsession that comes out when a patient has reached the point where him/her needs to be led out of a wrong situation or attitude. Theology cannot help those who are looking for an answer because it demands faith and faith cannot be made. Jung states that we are faced with a need for rediscovering the life of the spirit. According to Jung the contrasts go back to their differences in their basic assumptions. Chapter 10 is titled: The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man. This spiritual problem is a question that belongs to the present but yet we cannot judge fully. It has to do with something universal. To be whole of the present means to be completely conscious of one’s existence and requires intensive and extensive consciousness. Moving forward is act of tearing loose all that embraces unconsciousness which claims the bulk of man. It is a painful fact that every good side has a bad one. According to Jung, modern man has suffered a fatal shock and as a result has fell into profound uncertainty. Jung says that a spiritual need has surfaced. He says there has never been a time where the psyche did not manifest itself but it didn’t attract so much attention until now. The psychic life has always expressed in a metaphysical system. Jung says he used to believe it was his duty to call people to order but not admits the need in calling himself to order. He says that science has destroyed the refuge of the inner life-it once was a haven and now a place of terror. A compensation in the unconscious arises when a piece of the conscious life loses value. The noisome and secrets of the inner life, to the modern man, are valuable because they serve his/her purpose. Psychological insight seems to trespass personal life and therefore, it meets with personal resistance and denial. Jung emphasizes that the unconscious has an attraction for healthy minds and not just the sick. Jung says we are only at the beginning of a new spiritual awareness. Need and distress breed new forms of life. A new self-awareness comes from the attractive power of the psyche. There is a psychic life in the end that embraces us all. Modern Man In Search Of A Soul actually chose me instead of me choosing it. I was looking through the psychoanalysts and psychologists that were studied in class. None really sparked an interest in me like Carl Jung. The funny thing is we have all heard of Freud and he is probably one of the more popular choices for such an assignment. However, I wanted someone who contributed just as well to the field of psychology but wasn’t really in the lime light. I had to research all of Jung’s theories to make sure I was comfortable with choosing him. I found a sort of connection with Jung. I was about to buy one book when my eyes happened to glance downward and saw this one. How more spiritual than that? I wanted something to be able to relate to and believe in. Low and behold, this book showed up. There are a total of 11 chapters in this book. Surprisingly, it was not hard to choose the ones that were of interest to me. The first chapter talked about dream analysis. I believe, like Jung, that dreams do tell a lot about and to the dreamer. Some examples he gave in the book were amazing. I wonder at times if people who write books about their work exaggerate on what really took place. For whatever reason, I believe Jung wholeheartedly. Dreams can show what steps to take next as well as what steps not to take. Most of us forget the dreams we have yet there are some dreams that stick with us forever. I believe this happens because it kept in the subconscious mind. We make ourselves aware of the dream as it has significance in our present life. I can see how it can be difficult for the doctor not to judge or impress his/her beliefs on the patient/client. The chapter about the stages of life was interesting. I see myself and I also see my mother in the stages that were presented. Jung states that what keeps one from being ultimately happy is the refusal to be open to new experiences. When we transition from childhood to adolescence, nature sort of abandons us to the conscious world. He used the biblical analogy of the fall of man to the beginning awareness of consciousness as a curse. The chapter regarding the contrasts between Freud and Jung speaks for itself. They both contributed significantly to the field of psychology. Most theorists have their foundation in Freud’s theories. Many began to break away from him and form their own theories, which to me is just like the transition from adolescence to adulthood. As an adolescence we are under the wings of our parents and thus for most of us we believe what our parents have taught us. Once we transition to adulthood, we have a better understanding of life and will experience things that will and can make our view different from our parents in some areas. The last chapter I summarized about was the spiritual problems of modern man. I believe the mind does have a spiritual connection. Like Jung I don’t see how one cannot see that there is a link between the psyche and spirit. I agree with Jung when he talks about life after death. How can we know what really happens if no one dies and then comes back to tell us what happens. There is no definite answer. This book report has proven to be very insightful. It has broaden my horizon and made me think. The good thing is, it makes more than ever ready to study more.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Summary Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Summary - Research Paper Example Pery and Wein (2008) advocating the full disclosure of terminal diagnosis indicate that "good death" occurs when the subjective (patient) and the objective (society, family) appear to blend seamlessly - before, during, and afterward (p.400). Simultaneously, Chochinov et al (2000) concludes that what patients are told, how they are told t and the manner in which they are able to integrate and cope with such information remains an important issue for clinicians attending to patients facing imminent death (p.505). Finally, Field and Copp (1999) emphasize that full disclosure approach to communication of terminal diagnosis is mandatory and results in positive outcomes for patients, their families and medical personnel. More specifically, Field and Copp (1999) indicate the following outcomes: (1) better information and communication from medical personnel, including nurses, (2) patient's participation in decisions about care, (3) psychological support from family members, (4) palliative c are, (5) self-esteem, (6) autonomy and decreased anxiety, (7) preparation for death and acceptance. Because there is emerging empirical evidence on improvements of patients' quality of life occurring after terminal diagnosis is communicated to them, a need for change in practice is mandatory. According to Rosswurm and Larrabee (1999), improvements in medical care are mad
Friday, September 27, 2019
Interview questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Interview questions - Essay Example In addition, the training capitalized on the principle of putting the customer at the center of ever business transaction. I defined a consistent set of behaviors across all our business activities, which led to effective interactions with customers, regardless of the situation. For more than 10 years of my career as a Senior Vice President, Retail Executive, and Chief Operating Officer (COO), I have made essential contributions in business development planning. Usually, I start business development planning sessions by evaluating the company’s current situation (SWOT analysis), creating effective solutions and plans to implement the solutions. While planning for the future goals of the company, I utilize the information to set the course for sustained growth. I involved everyone in the team to gain a strong team support and enthusiasm. I measured profitability by putting the right metrics in place (tangible results) and evaluating the outcomes that will drive a successful business development plan. Metrics have connected the dots for me when a strategy/tactic is not working. Lastly, I keep the communication going, letting the team know about our progress and where the company is heading. To further elaborate my point, I led a quarterly "all retail" conference call at _______. It was my opportunity to reinforce our core values or our strategic plan. I welcomed every new employee and recognized individuals and teams for success in our five focuses. I ended the call with "RITA awards." RITA is an acronym for our core values; respect and inclusion, integrity, teamwork, and accountability. The RITA submissions were sent in from the teams peer group. It was our opportunity to formally express our sincere gratitude to everyone for living up to the company’s core values. I firmly believe that good communication among co-workers is an essential element in effectively
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Article response paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Response paper - Article Example According to Philip, men experience varied struggles through a patriarchal approach system that mandates their gender identity thus engage in violent acts against women. In the end, Voice Male proves the possibility of using a system that promotes the consumption of popular culture to its advantage. 2. Comments and deep discussion of the article with clear indication to outside sources peer reviewed articles, According to Philip’s article, he indicates that men’s violence against women is majorly due to patriarchal systems, which exhibit cultural circumstances promoting violence against women (Philips, n.d). For instance, from ancient times, men in the society were not to show any signs of vulnerability because one would have faced severe punishment. His study concurs with that of Feder, Levant, & Dean’s whose findings Just like philip’s allege traditional masculine aspects of men estranges and isolates them from their genuine inner self as well as having cordial relations to others (Feder, Levant, & Dean, 2010). To them, this theory increases chances of men engaging in violent acts against women in the society. ... However, based on Brent and Eric’s study, men’s violence against diverse parties like children, women and their peers mainly emanates from their aggressive response towards stress or provocation (Brent &Eric, 2006). They claim men are prone to react violently towards stress factors like threat delusions unlike women who approach such issues in a peaceful manner. Their study also supports Philip’s point of view because they also put out men as prone to violence beings. I concur with these studies since I believe men in the society conform to norms that place them over women. Society advocates men should not confess any sort of weakness to the female gender thus making them react violently to women in their quest to prove their masculinity. I also believe it is an act of nature among men to react violently from the slightest provocation directed towards them. Therefore, I believe the only way to help men refrain from violent acts is via making them understand the r easons behind their violent deeds’ 3. Outstandingly concise excerpts taking from the article By positioning men’s violence against women bas a culturally supported act created through large systems of power and oppression, we can begin to see the fallacy in addressing violence solely on a case-by-case basis. The excerpt shows if we should succeed in eradicating the vice of gender violence against women in the society, then the starting point is by addressing forces compelling certain acts. Therefore, this excerpt offers a strong basis of addressing the menace whereby it is fundamental for necessary stakeholders to follow it while addressing the vice (Philips, 261). Here I would note that men who have been socialized in
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Female and Male Political Elites in the U.S Essay
Female and Male Political Elites in the U.S - Essay Example Although great achievements have been made with regards women's rights, equality and representation in the past decades, the number of legislators and women in the cabinet still comprise of a few female elites. Only sixteen percent of women hold seats in the Congress and five females serve in President Bush's cabinet (Wolbrecht 1-10). In recent years, two women served as Secretary of State and another one will be serving with the President-elect once he assumes office. Another great stride for women is when Nancy Pelosi was elected Speaker of the House just recently. However, during the last election, the number of women seeking office for state legislatures faced a decline as compared to the previous elections and membership of women in national groups that could enhance their political influence also dropped in number.1 This is interesting to note as research have shown that the lower level of nominations and elections in the past contributed to the dearth of women in politics. How ever, this does not mean that women are disadvantaged in experience or sources of fund (Gaddie and Bullock, 761). On the contrary, women who sought office fared equally well with males in terms of financial ability. Gaddie and Bullock also asserts that the decline in the number of seats in crucial and elite positions in politics can be attributed to the dismal percentage of nominees among republicans (761). What is striking is that women who held more experience have a high probability of getting elected whereas voters pick men who are less experienced than women with less experience (Gaddie and Bullock 97). Nevertheless, women are still hesitant to run for office (Dolan in Wolbrecht 1-10). This only illustrates, that for women to achieve equal representation in the elite political circles, more women should run for office and gain further experience. In addition, there are factors that hinder women from achieving equal power and representation in contemporary political life. Although politics held a significance place for women before their enfranchisement, the realization of women's suffrage came after nearly a century of struggle. Yet this lengthy struggle only brought forth gender equality and equal citizenship but not equal representation and power in politics. (Wolbrecht, 6). Moreover, although women serve in different areas of politics, especially in legislature where their chances of increasing influence is considerable, this service is not matched by an increase in authority and power as they are thwarted by party affiliations, committees and caucuses (Reingold 33). Even Hillary Clinton, the most elite of the female politicians and a former first lady, is considered a mere 'junior senator' whose tenure in office is relatively short in the standard of a male elite politician. This is worsened by the perceived disparity of political focus that exists between male and female politicians. The notion that women enter politics on gender basis and considerations is asserted in the work of Kirkpatrick (242). Scholars observe that politics are different when women are involved (Wolbrecht, 5) and contend that activism plays a major role for decision and policy-making of a female politician. Naples, for instance, purports that the path that most female politician tread is one that center on progressive and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Summary of Molecule bonds, Amino and Nucleic Acids, Proteins Assignment
Summary of Molecule bonds, Amino and Nucleic Acids, Proteins - Assignment Example More generally, bonds may be intermolecular (between atoms in different molecules) or intra molecular (atom to atom bonds within the same molecule). Different theories (such as valence theory and molecular orbital theory) have been used to describe chemical bonds. They are viewed as being complementary with each theory best explaining certain aspects of the bonds. The use of these theories has led to the creation of different molecules through the various bonding processes. Additionally, there are means to visualize the bonding. One of the most popular bonding diagrams is the Lewis Dot Style. In this type of diagram, the chemical symbol of the atom is drawn with up to eight electrons drawn around it as dots (two on each side, top, and bottom). Bonds are displayed according to the arrangement of electrons being shared or attracted. 2. Amino and Nucleic Acids Amino acids are a class of chemicals that contain both an amine and a carboxyl (or carboxylic acid) group. All amino acids follo w a general chemical formula of H2NCHRCOOH, where â€Å"R†is used as a variable to refer to one of many possible side groups. These groups can be as small as one molecule but can also grow quite large. The name and functional of amino acids are closely related to the side group. Accordingly, an alternate name for the side group is functional group. All proteins are made from a chain of amino acids. The number of amino acids contained in the protein, as well as their order, is specific to that protein and results in the protein’s shape. A group of twenty amino acids are drawn from to make up all the proteins of the body. Along with amino acids, nucleic acids are a type of large molecule (macromolecule) that is extremely important for life to occur. All nucleic acids are made up of smaller structures called nucleotides (molecules with a nitrogen base, phosphate group, and a sugar group containing five carbons). The sequence of nucleotides will determine the type of nucl eic acid that is formed. Two of the most essential types of nucleic acids (as related to life) are deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). These structures are responsible for containing and transcribing genetic information. This information is then used to instruct many processes within the body, including the construction of proteins. Amino and nucleic acids are robust in living creatures. Together they enable the transport, encoding, decoding, and execution of genetic processes. Certain kinds of each compound can be synthesized in the laboratory for research and various treatment purposes (both potential and realized). 3. Proteins Amino acids can form long chains known as polypeptides (partially named for the peptide bond that forms between amino acids) that can become proteins on their own or in combination with other polypeptides. Proteins are found in muscle and therefore the meat of many animals. These large molecules fill many important roles in the body, inc luding strengthening bones, acting as hormones, cellular structure, and as important participants in cellular signaling. Protein is an important part of the animal diet, as it is broken down and used to form other compounds such as the amino acids that make other proteins. Some
Monday, September 23, 2019
Mobile tecnology services Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Mobile tecnology services - Assignment Example Vodafone Business Email, Windows Mobile Email and Blackberry from Vodafone provide business customers, ranging from small start-up companies to multinational corporates, with wireless access to their enterprise and internet based email. Vodafone live- Vodafone live! is our on-handset communications and multimedia portal, which gives you access to services like games, ringtones, news, sports and information. We are always enhancing and improving Vodafone live! to provide better and richer content and make it easier for you to access it. Vodafone live! is available over our 3G network, enabling far higher quality content and communication services, like news broadcasts, sports highlights, music videos and movie trailers. Content partners include Time Warner, News Corp, NBC, Universal and Sony. The 3G service also supports full-track music downloads. You can use your phone to listen to music, choosing from more than 750,000 music tracks to download. Agreements with Sony BMG Music Entertainment, EMI, Universal Music, Warner Music and independent music labels secure music from some of the world's greatest artists. Vodafone live! also includes useful information services for driving directions, train and flight times and much more. The full Vodafone live! service is included with the latest Vodafone live! mobile handsets. V Vodafone to Roll Out Advanced Customer Service Directly on the Handset- The SNAPin service enables customers to navigate an on-screen visual menu of options which customers can use to answer questions or solve their problems right on the handset. Customers also have the option to connect through to the call centre, bypassing traditional IVR menus, or to get an automatic response directly on their phone. The menu can be tailored according to the needs of different customers. Roper Mobile Technology Roper Mobile Technology is the leading provider of fully rugged, highly customizable computer solutions for challenging environments. Designed from the ground up, the Company's full line of rugged mobile computing solutions include lightweight handhelds, Tablets, Ultra Mobile PCs and fixed mount computers. Roper Mobile Technology provides Customer Services through contact of Technical Support inside the website as well as a form to be filled-up by customers known as Returend Materials Authorization (RMA) MYPORTAL EXCHANGE INC. Services Offered: MyGallery - Offers a unique service of creating your own online photo album so that you won't have to consume as much phone memory. If you're the type of person who loves taking picture of just about everything using (just about any form of device but specially) a mobile phone, then you have encountered problems with your phone memory not being enough. In that case, we have the perfect solution for you! MyGallery offers a unique service of creating our own online photo album so that you won't have to consume as much phone memory. With the lastess technology, it has become a lot easier to upload pictures and download them via the Internet or WAP-enabled phones. SchoolConnect- A product that make use of SMS messaging to utilize the network of parents and students and schools. It has a wide-range of service among which are message broadcasting for example sending out to registered parents that
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Concept Analysis Paper Anxiety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Concept Analysis Paper Anxiety - Essay Example In other words, the paper would provide basis for research and management of anxiety related disorders and at the same time acting as an educational tool in the nursing field (Bouras & Holt, 2007). The purpose of this analysis was to demystify anxiety as a clinical condition. It will give a several insight into various features of the concept and examine the different consequences of this condition on patients. Anxiety and other related conditions are some of the most common mental reasons for seeking medical help today. A recent study statistics indicated that 25% of the global population have exhibited signs of anxiety. This therefore is a serious worrying trend for nursing practitioners and medical profession in general as it signifies serious medical health problem. Consequently, the need for concept analysis in anxiety would act as an important tool through which nurses can enhance their management skills as far as anxiety is concerned (Hayes and Strosahl, 2004) Definition of co ncept In common usage anxiety is a defense mechanism that triggers in the mind. This state when blown out of proportion can result to a serious psychological problem. It can also be defined as thoughts or worrying about the future events which can either be good or bad, meaning that a person who is worried about is future can suffer from anxiety. In nursing usage anxiety is defined as a combination of several biochemical changes in the body, the patient’s memory, social situation and personal history. It is difficult to concretely describe this condition as it as many causes and degrees of intensity. Sometimes doctors describe it as emotion or an affect depending on the person describing it, whether it’s an outside observer (affect) or the person having it (emotion) (Ohman, 2000). Defining characteristics Anxiety can present itself in many ways. some forms of anxiety expressed themselves mildly, whereas others severely. This form depends on the stage of development. Mi ld anxiety occurs when the condition is still in its infantry stages. In most cases, the severe anxiety occurs when the anxiety is not managed during its early stages of development. The characteristics exhibited by mild anxiety are distinct from those exhibited by severe anxiety. Mild anxiety, for instance expresses in form of panic attack. The person is mostly likely to show mild signs as perspiration, and chills (Twamas and Bangi, 2003) In some cases, a patient may experience symptoms such as obsessive compulsive disorder. Such conditions imply that the condition is in middle stages of progression. For those with post-traumatic stress as a form of anxiety then it’s characterized by lack of sleep (Barlow, 2002). Late stages of anxiety disorder differ depending on the type of anxiety the patient suffers from. Patients with panic disorder then late stages are characterized by behavioral and cognitive traits. In this stage the patient may dread death or go crazy. Those who hav e phobia may also express certain strange characteristics at the late stage e.g. stop doing any activity at all. (Craske and Barlow, 2003). Additionally, it worth noting that cases of anxiety can present in different forms. There are model cases, contrary cases and the borderline cases. Model case of anxiety is a case where the patient depicts most of the general features associated with anxiety. Borderline case of anxiety is a product of neurological and psychological disturbances. The term
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Criminal Justice System Essay Example for Free
Criminal Justice System Essay When defining crime it different from country or may be even states such as in the United State American, according to the law at hand. In this paper, one will learn the definition of crime as it applies here in the U.S.A in Its relationship to the law, and the two most common models of how society determines which acts are criminal. One will also describe the government structure as it applies to the criminal justice system. Then identify choice theories and their assumptions in regard to crime. Furthermore, describe the components of the criminal justice system and the criminal justice process. In addition, identify the goals of the criminal justice system. Last but not least, one will address one’s thought on if the criminal justice system is a system. Finally, one will summarize the conclusion in its entirety. According to (CJI Interactive, 2013) crime is defined as conduct in violation of the criminal laws of state, the federal government or local jurisdiction, for which there is no legally acceptable justification or excuse here in the U.S.A. This only means where one is located determine whether or not it is a crime. The most common models of how society determines which acts are criminal are consensus and the conflict. In one’s mind this leads to the description of both, consensus model has to do with diverse, people thoughts, most society whom shares the same moral value system. Most people think this system is deemed harmful to the society. On the other hand conflict also is consider diverse in many ways, however, this group engage in a much power struggle with most dominant groups that makes values about the law. The main thing is without laws people could not say that something is a crime. The government structure as it applies to the criminal justice system consists of three branches of government: Legislature, Judiciary, and Executive in which the whole system work together in preventing crime in the U.S.A. However, there are the criminal justice system for each city or state, three basic department agencies within the every state the police, courts, and the department of correction. Each of the agencies is components that work together design, and structured to be fair, integrity, and professional. The federal government has standard guideline that affects every state. Furthermore, every state has its own guideline of the laws, and some may be different in every State. In the choice theories of people assumptions in regard to crime are consensus and conflict that explain earlier in the paper. The over important theories is Due Process and Crime Control. Due process consist of individualization, quality, formality courts. Crime control would consist of standardization, quality, informality, and police. Although they are both different in our society the completion between them if one fails either way with society fail the people. In other words they both system must work not to fail our society. The components of the criminal justice system and the criminal justice process consist of five main components are Investigation and arrest, pretrial activities, trail, sentencing, and corrections. These agencies in the criminal justice system work hand-in-hand together as a sequence process of events that le from the arrest to the correction. Together this is the standard process the criminal justice system use in the U.S.A. In all fairness most people thinks that is a fair procedure. The goals of the criminal justice system come in components as well. Most in people are very depending on whom one asks about this, in the people or justice system. According to CJI there are many of goals and different agencies within the system emphasizing the different goals. The role of the criminal justice system is to respond in the name of society, when crimes are committed. The five criminal justice goals are deterrence, incapacitation, retribution, rehabilitation, restoration. In addition there is a standard process in any city. Therefore, at the end of the day it is up to whether federal, state, or city decide on what is best for the criminals. When it is all said and over with the most important reason is to rehabilitate people and make them whole again. In summarizing, when defining crime it different from country or may be even states such as in the United State American, according to the law at hand. One feels as if many people judge the system, however, one think it is there to help and restore us as one. Writing this paper helped one to gain and give knowledge of every day crime madness in the U.S.A as well as what is consider a crime here in our culture. One has learned many things as it refer to the topic in this paper and the major points that are important through research. References Dreden, E. (2013). The Structure of Criminal Justice System. Retrieved from http://www.ehow.comLegal Schmallager, F. (2011). Criminal Justice Today. Upper Saddle River,, NJ: Pearson/ Prentice Hall. CJi Interactive Multi Media, (2011) University of Phoenix website
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Merger of LINKdotNET and Mobilink
The Merger of LINKdotNET and Mobilink On daily basis we face several problems and we take certain steps or decisions to resolve those problems. Some decisions are proved to be good and useful and some result in loss however, the skill of problem solving and decision making power improves with the passage of time. Similarly in organizations, management has to take several decisions to resolve different problems in order to have smooth functionality of daily operations and above all for a continuous stream of profits. There are different models available in the literature for resolving the problems and making the decisions. This document is aimed to understand the decision making and problem solving tools and techniques. In this document identification of the problem in a renowned organization operating in Pakistan is done and analysis of the decisions taken to resolve that problem is conducted. The models used for decision making in response to the problem faced by the organization are also discussed along with the limita tions and shortcomings of those models. In the end a personal evaluation is done that explored skills gained by me personally after completing this brief research study on a particular organization (Simon, 1956). Company Overview Mobilink Infinity and LINKdotNET Mobilink is the leading telecommunication service provider operating in Pakistan. It is subsidiary of Orascom Telecom that is an Egyptian company. Mobilink is serving Pakistani market since 1994 and as per the latest report from PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) Mobilink is a market leader with a market share of 31% (, 2010). Mobilink was only providing voice services to its customers before October 2008, when it launched Mobilink Infinity a WiMAX broadband service in one city Karachi. With high quality services and competitive pricing plans, Mobilink Infinity gained a subscriber base of more than 20,000 (, 2010). Mobilink Infinity was being operated as a separate unit named Broad Band Unit. The major strength of the organization is its quality customer services which have set new benchmarks in Pakistan and set the new trends which were never practices before. Mobilinks broadband unit continued the same practice and delivered the service s with the same quality customer services, that is the reason that company was able to get a major market share just in one city (, 2010). Another subsidiary of Orascom Telecom for providing broadband services in different countries is LINKdotNET. LINkdotNET commenced its operation in Pakistan by acquiring two already existing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) named as World Online (WOL) Telecom Limited and Dancom Online. LINKdotNET merged the resources of these two companies and by putting in more investment launched its operations officially on 02 February, 2008. LINKdotNET was offering its services in more than 130 cities in Pakistan and in two years this company raised its customer base up to 35,000. LINKdotNET provided services for both home and commercial users and was the second largest broadband service provider in Pakistan after PTCL (Pakistan Telecommunication Limited) ( , 2010). The company got a tremendous response from the customers after its launch, but the poor management and lack of managerial skills the company failed to deliver the services as they promised. The result was that in the fi rst year of its operations the company gained a very bad reputation in the market and customers started to leave to the other service providers. However, in corporate sector LINKdotNET was still the major broadband service provider ( , 2010). Background of the Problem To cater to the needs of the Broadband Internet market Orascom Telecom was operating two of its subsidiaries in Pakistan, one with the name of Mobilink Broadband Business Unit (BBU) which was mainly catering to the needs of WiMAX Internet users and was operating only in Karachi, and other was LINKdotNET with was operating in DSL, Dialup and Corporate Business Solutions for data and internet market with its operation in all major cities in Pakistan. Both of the companies were serving the same market, which was broadband internet market, to the users of same profile and almost same geographical regions. Both of the companies were independent and there was no coordination in any department, both of the companies had their separate departments, same target market and were treating each other as competitors, while both companies belonged to same parent company. This situation was causing different problems to the parent company such as confusion in the minds of consumer; high operational cost, and high marketing costs, diagram below will help understand the scenario of that time. Orascom Telecom Subsidiaries Source: (Author, 2010) Problem Identification By looking at the above diagram we it has been made clear the two companies were working in one market serving same kind of customer and with same organizational structure, at the time where competition was intense in the market, and due to increase in the operating costs and shrinking margins the profitability of the company was going down, and such structure was creating following problems for the organization. Presence of identical departments were creating increased human resource costs Marketing costs were high because of the separate marketing departments were targeting same customers and were virtually acting as competitors. Business operation costs were high because of separate network management, separate network procurement, and separate inventory management. Ambiguity in the mind of employees and consumers, who were confused about the status of both of subsidiaries, resulting in damage of brand in the eyes of customers. Managerial Decision Making Models Application In the below lines author will explore the current theories on different decision making models developed by management commentators and then author will explore the decision making process adopted by the management of Orascom Telecom, then this decision making process will be critically analyzed on managerial decision making models. Author will see which model was applies how the application of that model helped the management to make best possible decision regarding the problem identified earlier. Decision Making Models There are two decision making models that are widely used my managers in making their decision regarding their day to day business problems, one is rational decision making model and other is non-rationale decision making model (Bazerman Max, 1994). Rationale Model Rationale decision making is one the best known and most used approach, this model revolves around the thinking process and which is also called cognitive process, this model involves several steps which are explained below, there are several pros and cons of this model which are also described in below lines, this model focuses on problem solving where problem is already identified and clear in the minds of management (Bazerman Max, 1994). Rationale Decision Making Steps Source : (Author, 2010) As described in diagram above rationale decision making involves fives steps, the first step is to identify the problem, this step involves the careful analysis of the situation presented to the organization and then by this analysis the actual problem which is the cause of this situation is identified. Second step is to set the criteria for desired results required, this criteria is set to achieve the minimization of unwanted situation or elimination of them, this step is also called benchmarking of results (Gelatt, 1991). The thirds step is to find all possible solutions of the problem, this step involves the collection of all possible solutions to get rid of the current problem, this step is followed by the fourth step that is examining each of the decision option on the pre defined criteria of desired results. The final step is to identify the best possible solution to the problem and then apply that decision, and by doing this ration decision making process ends (John, 2001). Pros and Cons of Model This model supposes, before the application of the solution, that there is one best solution and hence adapts the perfectionist approach, more over critical evaluation of each and every option delays the decision making which some time cause the loses to business where external environment is turbulent (Graham, 1993). This model also take this assumption that every effect of every option can be predicted without having it tested in reality, and consequences and future implications of each decision related option are left on the discretion of decision maker (Simon, 1956). Rationale decision making requires the decision to be dependent upon the cognitive abilities and imagination of the decision maker, more over this model also require the extended time and information for the decision to be made (Bazerman Max, 1994). Non-Rationale Model Non-rationale models are the second widely used decision making models, in below lines author shall explore the main characteristics of these models. Non-Rationale Models Source: (Author, 2010) Satisficing Decision Making This is one the approaches adapted as non-rationale decision making, this approach aims for satisfying solution for the problem, rather than going for the most optimized approach, this approach is used when lengthy procedures of decision making like information needs, and evaluation of alternatives are to be avoided (Gelatt, 1991). Incremental Decision Making This decision making is required when problem at hand requires quick decision making, in this case managers make rather small responses to the problem and instead of completely eliminating it they reduce it to minimum level (John, 2001). Garbage-Can Decision Making This approach is used when the problem is clearly defined or the managers do not know what to do, this method uses trial and error approach and different solutions are tested on the basis of randomness, this approach is also used where there is emergency situation and management was not prepared to handle such situation (John, 2001). Approach Solution Employed by Orascom Telecom In below lines author will critically explore the decision making approach employed by Orascom Telecom the cater to the problem presented earlier, the problem faced by the organization was not urgent and turbulent in nature, rather its nature was more of strategic, for this kind of problem, rationale decision making is best to utilize, as the company had the time and information resources required to make such decision making, they logically opted for this and decision was made by using rationale decision making, in below lines we shall see that what decision was made how it was made by using said model. To explore this author will take step-by-step approach and will see that how each step was applied. Identification of Problem During the time in which both of the subsidiaries of Orascom Telecom were operating separately in the same market, management started to identify the problem that their profitability was decreasing due to increase in operating costs. At the same time the competition level in market was at its peak, prices were going down because of heavy competition and so was profit margins, the only way to increase or sustain profitability was to reduce costs. But Orascom Telecom was operating at redundant hierarchy by deploying two separate companies in the same market . In this scenario to sustain profitability was a challenge that management had face and to deal with they had no other option but to review their strategic business management in the broadband industry of Pakistan . Criteria Setting for Result Since Orascom Telecoms profitability was decreasing because of the high operating costs involved the criteria set for results was to increase profitability by reducing costs. Management had a clear understanding that business was growing at time as so was growing the market, but at the other hand competition was also increasing because of the entrance of new player in broadband internet market. So there was no chance of increasing profitability by increasing price and customer base. So the criteria set by the management to increase profitability by reducing costs was well justified and was based on rationality. List of Solutions At that time management of organization had two solutions to cater with this problem, the first one was to examine the profitability and operations of each of subsidiary and then close the operations of one subsidiary with less customer base and profitability. By doing this management can hand over one business to the other one and then get rid of unnecessary costs. The other solution that management was looking at to merge the operations of both of the subsidiaries and then form a new organization under the umbrella of their already well established GSM brand name Mobilink, since both the subsidiaries had same organizational structure and operational departments merger of both can be done without much disturbance in daily business operations. Examination of Each Solution Management of Orascom Telecom examined both of the solutions and their careful examination revealed following shortcomings and advantages of both of the solutions. The first which was to close the business of one unit and continue with the other one was not good for the overall image of the organization, this could have brought the negative messages for the consumer and could have hurt the brand image, the other short coming was the Mobilink BBU has the license of operating in WiMAX business and LINKdotNET had the license of operating in DSL and other high end technologies, and Orascom Telecom wanted to remain in both of the markets. So the closing of one operation would have resulted in loss of licenses and getting out of the business, however this solution could have reduced their operating costs and increase their profitability but with the above mentioned risks. Other solution which was merger of both of the unit into one consolidated unit was also expected to reduce costs by creating synergies and single operations at every department level by eliminating duel use of resources and duel costs, along with meeting the predefined selection criteria this solution also had certain benefits like merging both of the units and then re-launching operation with a big-bang was expected to bring a positive message to the potential customers that a large operator has merged their different operations and now they are in position to serve them even better. The other benefit that this solution could bring is the use of licenses of both of the subsidiaries and empowering the organization to use the full ground to play on. By employing this solution company could play in WiMAX market as well as DSL and other high end technology markets. Selection of Best Solution After the examination of the above mentioned solution choices, management decided to go for the second option and Mobilink BBU and LINKdotNET were merged for Mobilink Infinity in June 2009. After the merger, all relevant departments were merges and single point resources utilization and synergies with their GSM side of business were made possible, yes solution also resulted in layoffs but the number of employees losing jobs were less than the number could have been in case of selection of option one. Mobilink Infinity was launched to provide WiMAX and all other services that both of the organization were offering to both corporate and residential clients, that decision was able to achieve the desired results also came with the benefits of increased brand image, more clarity in employees and consumer perception of the company, so far it has been observed that companys business is growing and their profitability is increasing, and this decision is turning out to be successful one. Limitations of Process Employed Orascom Telecom employed the solution by opting for rationale decision making process, this decision turned out to be a successful decision but there are some limitations that needed to be taken care of and author have identified, by taking care of such limitations this decision could have been executed well and results could have been more fruitful, below author have discussed few limitations that are inherent in the decision (Bazerman Max, 1994). As rationale decision making is a lengthy process so it took a long time for management to complete this process, the evaluation of each option took more than a year and at the same time marketing of both subsidiaries were kept on hold, however the business didnt stop and they were selling to their customers but without marketing support (Gelatt, 1991). That time the competition in market was intense and there needed the full marketing support for any organization to win the market share, but the decision to hold all marketing activities for both of the subsidiaries and then taking one year to reach on any conclusion badly affected the business, the competition kept on building their brands, new comer were also aggressive that is why their business went down rapidly during the decision making process. Since this decision was made in the Egypt head quarters and same decision making process was in use to globally merge their broadband entities with their GSM entities, this factor also played its role in making this happen in a long time. The overall time taken by this decision was more than expected and suggested, that caused the business to miss some opportunities in the market that competition grabbed (Gelatt, 1991). Another shortcoming that author have observed with this methodology that this model is a step by step process and management cannot jump on to any other step without completing the previous one, even they know what is required and what is to be achieved and how it can be achieved they have to follow all the necessary procedures that again result in more time consuming. Since Orascom Telecom is a large organization, and they cannot afford their business to hold at any stage that is why they were unable to explore more options as solutions and only stick to two decision related options mentioned earlier, there could have been other option instead of closing and merging the business, but their evaluation stage would have cost them more loss in business that is why they were sticking to only two solutions to the defined problem (John, 2001). Another limitation with the model employed by Orascom Telecom was that this model does not support the creative decisions, since the result area is already defined and business managers are bounded with their rationality, they tend to seek and explore the decision that makes common sense and could be sold to management, to achieve the desired result of a problem there are always some run of the mill solution that pop-up in managers mind, and by following this rationale model, and in try to be rationale managers tend to ignore the creative ideas to problems that in one look may not make sense but after careful examination could have benefitted the organization more than the usual solutions(John, 2001). So there is a inherent limitation in rationale decision making model that is leads the manager to only stick to their rationale and make the decision that are acceptable in masses and ignore the creative options that come into mind, another reason of ignoring creative decision is that rationale model is already and lengthy process to follow and managers tend to stay away from creative process because such ideas would require them to evaluate and predict their implications, and this again will result in extended time taken in decision making and managers have the pressure to make the decision on time so that problem can be rectified in due time (Graham, 1993). How to Company Could Avoid Limitations As author mentioned above that decision making process took more than a year to get reached on, organization had to suffer their valuable opportunities that could have been exploited otherwise, and the solution to this limitation, in author point of view is that they should have employed the parallel analysis techniques, instead of deploying all the resources to one step at one time, they could have increased the number of managers working on the this problem and then ask them to parallel on each step, in this way the amount of time consumed in making decision could be reduced to few months. This could have also achieved by employing dedicated resources to this situation and realizing the fact the competitive environment in Pakistan in different from the competitive environment in Egypt and by using dedicated resources in Pakistan and by doing parallel analysis and execution of the process they could have achieved the desired results in minimum time(Graham, 1993). Another problem with the approach employed by the organization was to keep everything on hold for the period of decision making, while the external competitive environment was turbulent and competitive, their decision to hold all marketing activities for the period of transition was not effective, by doing this they lost the market opportunities and they position as leading telecom player was compromised. In order to avoid such situation they should have keep on giving marketing support to their products and by the time of reaching to any solution and actually launching the new entity formed they would have not missed the market (John, 2001). How this Module Affected My Decision Making Participation is this module has positively affected my problem solving and decision making abilities, as student of management and in daily life, on work or otherwise, we daily face different problems with different level of complexities, some problem are of critical nature and some are not that important, for some problems immediate decision making is required and for some problems we need a complex decision making for which time is also required, we also face the situations where we even dont know what the actual problem is, and all this happens on continues basis and in regular intervals. This module has transformed the way I used to look at the different situations, it has also taught me that there is a solution to every problem no matter how complex it may seem in first time, after going through this module I have learned that how a complex situation can be turned into a favorable situation by carefully analyzing it, how to find the actual problem by doing root cause analysis, and not to judge any situation on its face view. I have also learned that after finding the actual problem what approached that I can employee as road map to finding the solution to my problem, I have gone through various exercise that have taught me that how I can find solution and answer to various problem on my professional life and how I can use different decision making model on my working and then in my personal life. I have also came to know that which model of decision making and problem solving best suits the different situation, how to handle problems which are of immediate nature, how to solve problem which have long term affect, by going through this module I am confident on my decision making and problem solving abilities and I can use them in my professional and personal life. Conclusion This paper was aimed to explore the various decision making models and their applications by analyzing a real time problem case study that author have made on Pakistans leading telecom company Mobilink which is a subsidiary of one the largest telecom operators in the world Orascom Telecom. In this paper, author have examined real time problem which the organization had to face, while operating broadband industry of Pakistan and being a market leader they were running two of their subsidiaries with different names and operations but in the same market, and that dual operation was badly hitting their profitability. To cater to this problem organization then employed the rationale decision making model and after going through the process of decision making, they decided to merge the operations of both of the organization, later on author has examined the limitations in the study and then discussed the steps that can be taken to avoid such shortcomings. Later in this paper author have discussed that how participation in this module have affected his decision making and problem solving abilities and how author can use the knowledge and experience gained from this module in his personal and professional life.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
MIS :: Electronic information
Electronic information is essential to the achievement of government organizational objectives. Its reliability, integrity, and availability are significant concerns in most audits. The use of computer networks, particularly the Internet, is revolutionizing the way government conducts business. While the benefits have been enormous and vast amounts of information are now literally at our fingertips, these interconnections also pose significant risks to computer systems, information, and to the critical operations and infrastructures they support. Infrastructure elements such as telecommunications, power distribution, national defense, law enforcement, and government and emergency services are subject to these risks. The same factors that benefit operationsÂâ€"speed and accessibilityÂâ€"if not properly controlled, can leave them vulnerable to fraud, sabotage, and malicious or mischievous acts. In addition, natural disasters and inadvertent errors by authorized computer users can have devastating consequences if information resources are poorly protected. Recent publicized disruptions caused by virus, worm, and denial of service attacks on both commercial and governmental Web sites illustrate the potential for damage. Computer security is of increasing importance to all levels of government in minimizing the risk of malicious attacks from individuals and groups. These risks include the fraudulent loss or misuse of government resources, unauthorized access to release of sensitive information such as tax and medical records, disruption of critical operations through viruses or hacker attacks, and modification or destruction of data. The risk that information attacks will threaten vital national interests increases with the following developments in information technology: • Monies are increasingly transferred electronically between and among governmental agencies, commercial enterprises, and individuals. • Governments are rapidly expanding their use of electronic commerce. • National defense and intelligence communities increasingly rely on commercially available information technology. • Public utilities and telecommunications increasingly rely on computer systems to manage everyday operations. • More and more sensitive economic and commercial information is exchanged electronically. • Computer systems are rapidly increasing in complexity and interconnectivity. • Easy-to-use hacker tools are readily available, and hacker activity is increasing. • Paper supporting documents are being reduced or eliminated. Each of these factors significantly increases the need for ensuring the privacy, security, and availability of state and local government systems. Although as many as 80 percent of security breaches are probably never reported, the number of reported incidents is growing dramatically. For example, the number of incidents handled by Carnegie-Mellon University's CERT Coordination Center1 has multiplied over 86 times since 1990,2 rising from 252 in 1990 to 21,756 in 2000. Further, the Center has handled over 34,000 incidents during the first three quarters of 2001. Similarly, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reports that its case load of
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Selbstüberschreitung: Jonas Cohns Wertphilosophie und Pädagogik vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik Friedrich Nietzsches :: German Essays
Selbstà ¼berschreitung: Jonas Cohns Wertphilosophie und Pà ¤dagogik vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik Friedrich Nietzsches ABSTRACT: Teaching philosophy and pedagogy at the University of Freiburg from 1897 to 1933, Jonas Cohn fought mainly against Friedrich Nietzsche and the influence of the ethics of Nietzsche on the youth of his time. A declaration made by Cohn in the Preface of his Science of Value (1932) shows this: "The title 'science of value' means polemics, too: I fight against all, who following Nietzsche deny the possibility of a science of value." But this opposition to Nietzsche and to his followers is not the only aspect of Cohn's relation to Nietzsche. On the other side, Cohn attempted to integrate some of the important traits of Nietzsche's ethic in his own conception of philosophy and pedagogics. The expression "self-transcendence" (Selbstà ¼berschreitung) stands for this ambition of Cohn. This can be demonstrated by some biographical data and by the interpretation of Cohn's philosophy of value. "'Wertwissenschaft' ist auch polemisch gemeint: Ich kà ¤mpfe gegen alle, die im Gefolge Nietzsches eine Wissenschaft vom Werte leugnen." - Diese eindeutige Erklà ¤rung stellte der reife Jonas Cohn, Philosoph und Erziehungswissenschaftler an der Università ¤t Freiburg von 1897 bis 1933, seiner "Wertwissenschaft" von 1932, seinem Hauptwerke, im Vorwort voran. Hat Jonas Cohn seine Lebensarbeit gegen Friedrich Nietzsche und dessen Wirkung ausgerichtet? Ich mà ¶chte diese, von Cohn selbst nahegelegte, Auffassung relativieren und aufweisen, daß Cohns Wertphilosophie und Erziehungslehre trotz weitreichender Differenzen Zà ¼ge Nietzschischen Geistes aufgenommen hat. Der Titel und Grundbegriff der Cohnschen Ethik "Selbstà ¼berschreitung" signalisiert nicht nur Parallelità ¤t und Nà ¤he zu Nietzsche; "Selbstà ¼berschreitung zeigt auch an, daß Cohn Intentionen Nietzsches, Momente des fà ¼r Nietzsche signifikanten Begriffs der "Selbstà ¼berwindung" in seine "objektive Wertlehre" à ¼bergefà ¼hrt hat. Ich werde zunà ¤chst anhand einiger biographischer Daten die Bedeutung Nietzsches fà ¼r Cohn wahrscheinlich machen, bevor der Inhalt der Wertphilosophie und Ethik Cohns selbst kurz zur Sprache kommen soll. Drei Momente sind auszufà ¼hren, die Cohn in seiner Biographie mit Nietzsche konfrontierten: Zeitliche und à ¶rtliche Nà ¤he zu Nietzsche und die persà ¶nliche Begegnung mit Denkern, die Cohn beeinflußten. Jonas Cohn (1869-1947) studierte nach einem glà ¤nzenden Abitur in Berlin (1888) zunà ¤chst in Leipzig, Heidelberg und Berlin Naturwissenschaft und promovierte mit einer experimentellen Arbeit in Botanik in Berlin 1892 zum Doktor der Philosophie. Nach der Promotion in Botanik wandte sich Cohn dem engeren Gebieten der Philosophie zu, ohne dabei zu unterlassen, seinem "geistigen Leben durch empirische Einzelarbeit gleichsam einen festen Unterbau zu schaffen". (SD, (1) S. 6) Diesen empirischen Unterbau erwarb sich Cohn in der experimentellen Psychologie bei Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) und Oswald Kà ¼lpe (1862-1915) in Leipzig, wo Cohn in den Jahren 1892 bis 94 am Psychologischen Institut arbeitete.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Zulu Culture Essay -- Anthropology
The Zulus tribe is an independent clan and the largest ethnic group in South Africa. The Zulu clan reputation is well known for their proud, fierce, and barbaric behavior. According to Ethnologies, in 1816 a new chief Shaka Zulu conquered and created a nation that was named after him. His descendants made up the Zulu clan. During the year of 1820, Native Africans did not have any political rights. The king of the Zulu ethnic groups or clans was the only one allowed to have judicial and legislative power. Zulu chiefs steadily demanded increasing tribute to taxes from their acquired great wealth, commanded large armies; in many cases a Zulu military status allow men to achieve distinctions chiefdoms. The kinship in the Zulu family is extremely important. The Zulu people are traditionally both pastoralists and agriculturists. As with many African tribes, reciprocity is important and the Zulu people are known for being extremely generous and even allowing guests to eat off their dinner plate as a gesture of friendship. In Zulu culture, women are supposed to dominate cooking only. As a result of socialization this habit teaches males at an early age that the mothers and sisters are suppose to cook for them. Some men who break the rules and learn how to cook are challenge as being weak. Olfami, Kuni (2008) Zulu clans were organized into patrilineal. Their kinship also extended to people who were not blood related, inheriting property was only through a male and his father. If a child’s real parents pass away, they were not put away as an orphan other parents took over the responsibilities. As children get older they have kids on their own, but they are also required to start taking care of their parents as they reach an eld... .... The Zulus are considered as the most traditional pastoralists and agriculturist’s people. Interestingly, most ancient Zulu tribes practice pastoralist and lives in more arid lands. The reason is natives of the Zulu tribe have always inhabited desert lands to remain traditional because their territory is not much valuable and desired to be confiscated by outsiders. References Flint, Karen E. Healing Traditions: African Medicine, Cultural Exchange, and Competition in South Africa, 1820-1948. Athens, OH, USA: Ohio University Press, 2008. p xi. Elliott, Aubrey. "THE ZULU Traditions and Culture." Cape Town: Struik Publishers. 1986. Olfami, Kuni. "African Tribes" Indigenous People of Africa 2008
Monday, September 16, 2019
Comparaison Between Mcmxiv & Anthem for Doomed Youth Essay
In both of these poems Anthem For Doomed Youth and MCMXIV talking about war, Wilfred Owen and Philip Larkin try in different ways to engrave in their readers minds the atrocious actions that war provoked with different language, voice but also form. First of all, the poems are written in a different way. Anthem For Doomed Youth with his ABAB CDCD ABBACC rhyme scheme is in fact a sonnet. However, a sonnet is usually used to glorify love and romance whereas Anthem For Doomed Youth focuses on the First World War. We can assume that Wilfred Owen surely wanted to contrast these two opposite subjects to create an ironic atmosphere. We can already guess the poem is going to be powerful and memorable. On the other hand, the second poem, MCMXIV,is composed of 4 stanzas containing each 8 lines but which don’t have a rhythmic pitch. For me, it looks like Philip Larkin is narrating a tale or a story. In my opinion, the sonnet gives a rhythm to the poem and catches more the reader’s attention even if it seems shorter than Larkin’s poem. Secondly, we know both of these poems are talking about the First Wold War. But if we look a little bit closer, we can clearly feel a difference in the choice of words and language. After reading the first poem, we feel a mix of disgust, revulsion and unfairness whereas after reading Philip Larkin’s one, melancholia, emptiness and sadness invade us. How can two poems with the same subject can lead to such different feelings? The sonnet looks like it is divided in two parts, both of the ‘stanzas’ start with a question: â€Å"What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?†, â€Å"What candles may be held to speed them all?†Then, the following lines answer to the questions. For me, it seems it’s like a speech with two rhetorical questions. The poet asks the questions but already has the answers and responds to it very precisely in a very negative way: ‘no’, ‘nor’, ‘not’ are used at the beginning of a line following the question. Anthem For Doomed Youth is a small but efficient poem. Any word is present for a particular reason. The vocabulary used is snappy and harsh one such as â€Å"monstrous anger†â€Å"nor any voice of mourning†â€Å"who die as cattle†. It sounds like Wilfred Owen wants to shock us. He plunges us in the horror of the war: we can almost sound the â€Å"stuttering rifles†, see â€Å"the holy glimmers of goodbyes†. He definitely wants to express his disgust toward war. Indeed, we are not facing a ‘peaceful’ war as the whole population expected in 1914, these young boys do not bravely die for their nation: it’s a horrific battle which ravage both sides but both stubbornly do not make any move to stop this carnage. Owen makes us feel the constant fear, the incomprehension of this pointless ravage Withal, the second poem has a more smooth way of approach. Philip Larkin wants to have an affective impact. He doesn’t use striking a vocabulary like Wilfred Owen but a melancholic one. There is this feeling of confinement and reclusion; â€Å"shut shops†, â€Å"sunblinds†, â€Å"shadowing Doomsday lines†. Whereas we could almost hear the ‘stuttering rifles’ in Anthem For Dommed Youth, here, in MCMXIV, silence is the only tolerable sound. No one should make noise, in honour of all the dead soldiers who fought naively for a cause that wasn’t even directly linked to their nation. Wilfred Owen expresses the horror of the trench warfare whereas Philip Larkin enters in the impact on social consequences that War leaded to. Life will never be the same again after this tragedy. Not only will the soldiers be shell-shocked, but the whole population will be too. Even though women and children were not on the battlefront, they still experienced the war at home fronts. Owen also uses repetitions to emphasize some specific phrases. The second and third lines both start with the word ‘only’ and are followed by personifications of weapons like ‘the monstrous anger of the guns’ and ‘stuttering riffles’ rapid rattle’; it is almost like the poet cannot even distinguish the human beings and machines. The men do not kill each others anymore, the machines do. The repetition of the ‘no’, ‘nor’, ‘not’ is also a strong sign: there isn’t any hope in anything, we cannot see positive anymore. There is a constant anxiety in the soldiers’ eyes. The word ‘choirs’ is also written two times. The reference in music could be positive but here, it is not. It is a music which leads to an inevitable death. It could also refer to the heartbeat of soldiers. A worrying rhythm that could stop anytime. There is also a repetition in MCMXIV in the last stanza: â€Å"never†(thee times). But once again, we cannot feel anger; only a strong sorrow. Humans can never be innocent again after the terrible massacre of this War. Larkin accepts with resignation what happened: what is done is done. The dead people will not come back. The only thing we can do is remember them and commemorate them. On the contrary, Owen cannot tolerate this thought and he feels obliged to relate the catastrophic event harshly to prevent people to never do that again. The human loss is literally and psychologically intolerable. Finally, we can discuss about the poet’s choice of title of their poems. An anthem is a choral composition having a sacred or moralizing text. So, this poem is aimed to all the heroes who died fighting. Nevertheless, the adjective ‘doomed’ comes to spoil the word anthem. Doomed is just ‘fate’, something inevitable. It is true we cannot win over death but at least, we can delay it as much as we can, whereas the following word ‘youth’ has a tragic connotation. Young people are not supposed to die, their fate is to enjoy life as much as they can but this war comes to destroy all their dreams and hopes. MCMXIV is the number 1914 in ancient roman. We can assume it is a reference to the past, Roman letters still exist after hundreds of years, maybe Larkin wants his poem to be remembered as much as these numbers? To conclude, we can say that even if Wilfred Owen and Philip Larkin did have different ways of approach to talk about war, they both caused very strong feelings. One used an aggressive and impulsive pen whereas the other provoked sadness and respect toward the fallen soldiers. In fact, they definitely agree in one similar point: First World War was a tragedy that no one should ever forget.
“Blood Brothers” by Willy Russell
â€Å"Blood Brothers†, by Willy Russell, is the story of twin brothers born to a working class deserted mother, Mrs Johnston. One twin is called Mickey and one is called Eddie. Mrs Johnston works as a cleaner in Mrs Lyons' middle class home. Mrs Lyons is barren and longs for a child very much. She suggests keeping one of Mrs Johnston's twins and raising it as her own as Mrs Johnston doesn't have the space or money to support another child. When the children are born they are immediately separated. Despite their mothers' best efforts, Eddie and Mickey meet again when they are seven and become best friends and ironically â€Å"Blood Brothers.†The twins continue to meet coincidently throughout their lives until the differences in their upbringing force their friendship to end. There is, however, a last meeting where all secrets are revealed and both lives end in tragedy. Willy Russell was born and grew up in Liverpool. He left school at 15, with no qualifications. His work reflects his interest in dramatising the lives of ordinary working-class people in an accessible and entertaining way. Characters Mickey comes across as a happy person, but is also very wary, as we see when Eddie gives Mickey the sweets. Mickey is surprised that Eddie gives the sweets after only asking once; he thinks that Eddie may have done something to them. On the other hand, Eddie is a very cheerful child, who does not really have anything to worry about in life, because Mrs Lyons can provide his every want and need. He lives a formal life with Mr and Mrs Lyons, although we do not hear much of Mr Lyons throughout the play. When he meets Mickey he is really taken back by the language that Mickey uses, we see this when Eddie says, â€Å"P***ed off. You say smashing things don't you? P***ed off. Do you know any more words like that?†This also shows that Eddie is very interested in the way Mickey speaks, maybe because Mrs Lyons has kept him very secure in his lifetime and has not let him hear anything like this. On stage I think Eddie may wear posh, top of the range clothes. He would speak in a formal way; he will only speak slang when he is repeating what Mickey has said e.g. â€Å"p***ed off†. Mrs Johnstone, who plays the role of the mother in Blood Brothers, seems very innocent and naive at the start of the play. She is also very gullible and believes anything she is told. Some examples of this are when she is told by her ex boyfriend that she is sexier that Marilyn Monroe, it also says in the play that she is 30 but looks 60. During the play Mrs Lyons also tells the mother that if once the twins are separated and they find out that they are twins that they will die, which Mrs Johnstone also believes. The mother's children also play a big part in her life even though she can only just afford to keep them. She works at Mrs Lyons' house as a cleaner to support her family. She doesn't have any one else bringing in any money to her household as her boyfriend walked out on her. The mother doesn't care that there is only just enough money as she loves every single one of her children; we can see this in the play when she says â€Å"I love the bones off of every one of them†. When she is working for Mrs Lyons, she doesn't care if she is pregnant â€Å"If I have it at the weekend I won't even need to take a day off†this shows that Mrs Johnstone is eager to support her family as much as she possibly can. Mrs Johnstone is a very uneducated person as you can tell when she says â€Å"Ill still be able to do me work†. She would always say â€Å"me†instead of â€Å"my†; however, she talks like this because of her Liverpool accent. Mrs Lyons, who adopts one of Mrs Johnstone's newborn twins, has a lot more power than the mother â€Å"My husband is due back tomorrow I must have my baby now!†The mother doesn't want to give her baby away but Mrs Lyons is a very persuasive person as we see when she says â€Å"If he grew up†¦ as our son†¦ he could have everything†. Once Mrs Lyons has the baby she is very possessive of him â€Å"Edward is my son. Mine Mrs Johnstone†. This shows that Mrs Lyons is determined to get her way all the time. During the play we also see that Mrs Lyons is a very jealous person as we can tell when she says â€Å"You're always bothering over him, fussing over him†. This also shows that she is also selfish as she doesn't want Eddie mixing with Mrs Johnstone and her family. She also shows that she is selfish when she says â€Å"come on, come on you know it's for the best.†The police woman treats Mrs Johnstone as if she is a lower class than herself. We can see this in the way that the police woman talks to Mrs Johnstone in general. The style and tone that the policewoman talks to the mother also shows this. When the policewoman visits Mrs Johnstone she makes the reason why she is there very clear, the effect that this would have on the mother is to scare her a bit and to keep her children under control. We can tell the policewoman is fed up of having to visit Mrs Johnstone about her children time after time, as we see when she says â€Å"If I have any more trouble from one of yours†she also says â€Å"I warned you about your Sammy, didn't I?†Here we can also see the policewoman repeats herself for emphasis and to intimidate the mother. She also repeats herself saying, â€Å"and he was about to commit a serious crime, love, a serious crime†. In this quote the policewoman also talks to Mrs Johnstone as if she knows her when she says â€Å"love†. The policewoman uses this to give herself the power in the relationship. When the policewoman visits Mrs Lyons we can see the difference in the way that she is treated to Mrs Johnstone. The way the policewoman talks to Mrs Lyons shows that she doesn't have as much confidence talking to her, as we can see when she says, â€Å"well err thanks for the drink†. When the policewoman says â€Å"err†we can see that she is uneasy speaking to Mrs Lyons. However, we can see that the policewoman respects Mrs Lyons as she always calls he by her proper name, and is polite to her as we see when she says â€Å"sorry if im interfering†The play begins and ends with the narrator speaking. The final Scene only varies in the last line. â€Å"How one was kept one given away†and â€Å"They were born and died on the self same day†. The line changes at the ends because the twins were shot dead, but at the beginning it is when the twins have just been born and the mother gives on of them away. Another word for narrator is storyteller, and the narrator in Blood Brothers acts like a story teller because he/she tells us the story before it actually happen in the scene. The narrator also comments through out the play. A typical thing that the narrator would refer to is what is happening at that moment in the play. He/she tells us what the characters are feeling which could make us feel differently about the characters. At the beginning of the play the narrator basically tells us that the mother is an evil woman. We see this when the narrator says â€Å"That woman with a stone in place of a heart†. As the play moves on we see the mother's circumstances which shows us that she is not really an evil woman. This makes us feel sympathetic toward the mother, in the way that the narrator talks about her in the play. Also at the beginning of the play we think that Mrs Lyons is an innocent person but she really is not an innocent person because she says that the twins should never meet because if they do they will die. When the twins do meet she kills them both. The narrator does not really give us an idea what Mrs Lyons is like, which could give us the impression that she is up to something and that something is going to happen. The narrator's language and the fact that lines are sung means that what they say is not really realistic. But we still listen to what the narrator is saying. The narrator's lines are like a ballad because the narrator sings most of his/hers lines and it is also telling a sad story, although we don't really see what is so sad about the play until the end of it. The effect is that it lets us know that something is going to happen. The narrator singing sort of brings the audience back to reality, so that they do not get too sunk into the play and so that the message of the play gets across to the audience. The end of the play is quite dramatic. We know that the play is leading up to something bad and we finally find this out in the final scene but it all happens so fast. When Mrs Lyons enters the room and kills both of the twins so suddenly the audience would be shocked. Staging On stage I think Mickey would speak with a lot of slang and informal language. He may dress in old, maybe even second hand clothes. When he moves around the stage he may move very cautious of his surroundings and the people around him. This might be because we know he is a suspicious person so he may think something is going to happen at any moment or someone may do something to him. We can imagine this when he takes one of the sweets that Eddie offers him, trying to work out the catch. On stage I think Eddie may wear posh, top of the range clothes. He would speak in a formal way; he will only speak slang when he is repeating what Mickey has said e.g. â€Å"p***ed off†. The Theatre In The Round is the perfect theatre to perform â€Å"Blood Brothers†as it gives a great atmosphere for the musical. A Theatre In The Round gives the actors the opportunity to enter the stage from the audience, during performances this gives an unbelievable effect, it will ensure that the audience stay in focus with the show and will want to watch. In this show, a lot of emotion is shown in most characters. These characters must show that they have feelings and emotion; they must show this in their gait e.g. a fast walk may show anger. Also, facial expressions are needed to show emotion, a smile would show happiness, a frown would show confusion or anger and a sad face would show unhappiness or sadness. Stage directions are very important in a show like â€Å"Blood Brothers†because there wouldn't be any atmosphere to endure if the actors were stood still, Mickey is a very challenging role which needs to have a lot of emotion, personality and movement. His character needs to be alive at all times because of his personality and lifestyle. Pacing is a very good stage direction for Mickey as he is on edge at most points during the end of the play. However, although Eddie is also a challenging role to perform it requires less emotion and personality than Mickey. Eddie is more laid back than Mickey as he can afford to do most things, this causes their friendship to end at a certain point in the play. The best stage direction for Eddie is a resting position e.g. stretching in a chair. He is more relaxed as he has a better education than Mickey and he cannot understand how Mickey lives his life. The best analogy for the twins would be that Mickey and Eddie are like two magnets that repel in most ways, however, they attract in some ways because of their genetic resemblance. Sound & Sound Effects Throughout the play, there are some very tense moments which will need to be backed up by sound effects. For example, when Mickey approaches Eddie from behind – I am looking at the last scene – he is about to shoot him, there should be some tense, on the edge music. However, when he stopped by Mrs Johnstone, he is told that Eddie is his brother. The sound should then change from tense to slow and calm. At this point he is realising why they weren't allowed to meet each other in the beginning and he is realising why they are so alike. I think that sound is paramount to a play, as it is a necessity for people in the production to learn queues and timing. Conclusion I think that the message of the play is that your life is affected by the social class you are from and that it is a lot harder to get anywhere if you are in a lower social class. We see an example of this in the scene with the policewoman, in the way that Mrs Lyons is treated compared to Mrs Johnstone. With Mrs Lyons, the policewoman underplays the seriousness of the crime that Mickey and Eddie had committed as we see when she says â€Å"As I said it was probably more of a prank†. So Eddie is being let off of it because of his family's higher social class. When the police woman Visits Mickey's house it is a completely different scene, the police woman lays down quite hard on Mickey's mum because of her lower social class, and because she is more of an easy target to pick on. In conclusion I think that Willy Russell is trying to tell people that the higher up your social class, the easier your life will be and the lower down your social class, the harder life will be for you. For many years now social class has remained quite a big thing. The idea came around in the 1770s at the time of the industrial revolution when jobs were cut and the social divide started. Some people became richer and some became poorer which started the idea of social class.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Impacts of Alcoholism on Family Welfare Essay
Chapter ONE 1. 0 Introduction 1. 1 Introduction This chapter contains the background of the job. statement of the job. intent of the survey. aims of the survey. research inquiries. justification of the survey. restrictions of the survey. the range of the survey and the conceptual model. 1. 2 Background to the Problem Seventy per centum of Kenyan households are affected by alcohol addiction ( Simiyu. 2006 ) . Man has. over clip. so come to admit the fact that alcohol addiction is so destructive to the human race. This explains the ground as to why legion surveies have been conducted and some are still underway in dealingss to assorted countries where alcohol addiction is so a major menace. It is nevertheless of import to observe that most of these surveies are chiefly centered on the alky. Alcoholism is a term that has many and sometimes conflicting definitions. In current and historic use. alcohol addiction refers to a status that consequences from continued ingestion of intoxicant despite the societal and medical impacts that are raised by the frailty. Alcoholism besides referred to. in the 19th century and partially in the 20th century. as alcoholism. may besides mention to pre-occupation with or irresistible impulse towards the ingestion of intoxicant and/or impaired ability to acknowledge the negative impacts of inordinate intoxicant ingestion. The Macmillan lexicon ( 2002 ) defines the word alcohol addiction as a medical status that makes it hard to command the sum of intoxicant you drink. 1. 2. 0 Alcoholism The dictionary definition of alcohol addiction is. a upset characterized by the inordinate ingestion of and dependance on alcoholic drinks taking to physical and physiological injury and impaired societal and vocational functionality. The Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research defines alcohol addiction as 1 a layman’s term for intoxicant dependance and maltreatment. The medical encyclopaedia defines alcohol addiction as a popular term for two upsets. intoxicant maltreatment and intoxicant dependant. The definition of alcohol addiction adopted for this survey was a upset that involves long term. repeated. uncontrolled. compulsive and inordinate usage of alcoholic drinks that impairs the drinker’s wellness and societal dealingss. In this survey alcohol addiction was characterized by frequent imbibing. imbibing five or more yearss in a hebdomad. 1. 2. 1 Family Welfare The Macmillan lexicon ( 2002 ) defines a household as a group of people who live together and are all related to one another. normally dwelling of parents and kids. It besides defines public assistance as the wellness and felicity of people. The definition of household public assistance adopted in this survey encompassed physical and psychological wellness. fundss. employment. societal life and relationships Velleman. ( as cited at World Wide Web. alcoholandfamilies. org ) . Family public assistance was characterized by economic system. wellness and safety. legal proceedings. matrimony stableness. duties. and backdown. The Macmillan lexicon ( 2002 ) defines economic system as the careful usage of money. merchandises or clip that really small is wasted. Family economic system in this survey was characterized by the sum of money spent on intoxicant. investing ventures and nest eggs in regard to individual’s income. The dictionary definition of wellness is the status of your organic structure particularly whether or non you are ill. Safety on the other manus refers to the fact that a thing is safe. For intent of this survey wellness and safety was characterized by cases of intoxicant related unwellness or upsets. domestic force both on adult females and kids attributable to alcohol. accidents or any other act done which exposed the person to harm as a consequence of the influence of intoxicant on the individual ( Alcoholic ) or on the household. and psychological province. 2 Responsibility is defined by the Macmillan lexicon ( 2002 ) . as a province of being in charge of person or something and of doing certain that they do or what happens to them is right or satisfactory. In the survey duty was characterized by cases of household functions of persons ( for illustration paying school fees by the parents ) . good physical and psychological handiness for the household. work jobs due to alcohol and its attendant negative impacts ( Alcoholism ) . Marriage stableness is a state of affairs where matrimony can raise up beyond the challenges which can take to its break-up ( Akem. 2009 ) . For intent of this survey matrimony stableness was characterized by cases of divorce. separation. wrangles and dissensions. Withdrawal is to no longer take portion in something or halt person from taking portion ( Macmillan 2002 ) . The definition of backdown adopted for this survey was assisting the individual to acquire rid of his/her organic structure off intoxicant every bit good as the harmful physical effects of intoxicant. Schuckit & A ; Mace. ( as cited at World Wide Web. replies. com ) Withdrawal in this survey was characterized by attempted cases to halt intoxicant ingestion by either the person or 3rd party attempts and the several challenges posed by the same. 1. 2. 2 Alcoholism Unmasked Up-to 50 per centum of slayings involves alcohol. and three or more people die in Britain due to alcohol ( Holden. 1996 ) . Approximately 14 million people in the United States of America are alkies. intoxicant being the 3rd taking slayer in the United States. killing 20 thousand people and wounding 1. 5 million due to imbibe drivers. Drink. ( as cited in Katherine. 2009 ) . Drink besides reported that 65 per centum of the aggressive onslaughts against adult females involve usage of intoxicant by the wrongdoer with more than 60 per centum of the homicides affecting the usage of intoxicant by either the wrongdoer or the victim. Harmonizing to Kenya Medical Research Institute ( KEMRI ) intoxicant maltreatment affects 70 per centum of households in Kenya. 3 In November 2001. over 140 people died and tonss of others lost their sight after devouring an illegal laced drink. In June 2005 illegal brew laced with industrial intoxicant caused the deceases of 49 people and more than 174 people were hospitalized after imbibing the place made Kwona-Mbee. literally ‘see the manner ahead’ . brew incorporating methanol a toxic wood intoxicant added to the mixture to give it more kick ( Simiyu. 2006 ) . Harmonizing to a survey carried out by WHO ( 2004 ) affecting 188 patients evaluated after motor vehicle clangs in all infirmaries located in Eldoret found out that 23. 4 per centum were blood intoxicant concentration ( BAC ) positive and 12. 2 per centum were intoxicated. This research work indicates the impacts of alcohol addiction on wellness and safety of the alcoholic. but they fail to advert the impacts of this upset in the household puting. Holden ( 1996 ) . provinces that intoxicant does no good for the economic system. bing the British industry 1. 7 British billion lbs. There therefore existed demand to set up a clear nexus between household economic system and alcohol addiction. About a 3rd of alkies recover whether they are in intervention plan or non. Vallant. ( as cited in Santrock. 2005 ) . Surveies from the national institute on intoxicant maltreatment and alcohol addiction ( NIAAA ) in United States of America indicate that of all drugs. backdown from intoxicant differs most significantly. This is so because it can be straight fatal. with an alcoholic holding no serious state of affairss holding a important hazard of deceasing from the direct consequence of backdown if non managed decently. This established the demand to look into how backdown as an facet of household public assistance is affected by alcohol addiction. One in three divorces is due to behavioural jobs linked to imbibing ( Holden. 1996 ) . In Kenya. most domestic misinterpretations are attributed to alcohol. ( Simiyu. 2006 ) . The survey. hence sought to happen out the impact of intoxicant on matrimony stableness. 4 1. 3 Statement of the Problem Research has shown that intoxicant so has major impacts on the life of its victims. Indeed no adult male is an island ; hence an alky does non populate in isolation. It is hence expected that whereas intoxicant is non good for the rummy. it is besides non good for the household of the drinker. It robs them the morally unsloped individual that they looked up to. What might be the assorted facets of the household that might be affected by holding an alky in the household? Harmonizing to Cork. ( as cited at World Wide Web. alcoholandfamilies. org ) . research workers have frequently shown much concern for the alcoholic. while overlooking his/her household. There was hence need to find the assorted facets of the household that were affected by holding an alky in the household. 1. 4 Purpose of the Study The intent of the survey was to look into and set up the nature of relationship that existed between alcohol addiction and assorted facets of household public assistance of reforming alkies in Suneka division. utilizing instance survey research design with a position of conveying to the visible radiation the strength of alcohol addiction in our society. Alcoholism was characterised by frequent imbibing. imbibing five or more yearss per hebdomad. Family public assistance was characterised by household wellness and safety. household economic system. duty. matrimony stableness. cases of legal proceedings and backdown. 1. 5 Research Objectives The research sought to set up the impacts of alcohol addiction on household public assistance by specifically happening out: 1. The challenges posed by the negative impacts of alcohol addiction on household economic system. 2. The challenges posed by the negative impacts of alcohol addiction on matrimony stableness. 3. The challenges posed by the negative impacts of alcohol addiction on household wellness and safety. 5 4. Problems associated with backdown from alcohol addiction. 5. The impacts and frequence of alcohol addiction influence on legal proceedings perpetrated against alkies within the household. 6. The nexus between alcohol addiction and disregard of duties. 1. 6 Research Questions In order to set up the sort of relationship that existed between alcohol addiction and household public assistance. the research was guided by the undermentioned research inquiries: 1. What are the challenges posed by the negative impacts of alcohol addiction on household economic system? 2. What are the challenges posed by the negative impacts of alcohol addiction on matrimony stableness? 3. What are the challenges posed by the negative impacts of alcohol addiction on household wellness and safety? 4. What are the jobs associated with backdown from alcohol addiction? 5. What is the impact and frequence of alcohol addiction on legal proceedings perpetrated against alkies within the household? 6. What is the nexus between alcohol addiction and disregard of duties? 1. 7 Significance of the Study The findings of the research sought to assist: 1. Locate out the impact of alcohol addiction in the local context which will move as an oculus opener to the stakeholders concerned for case the Ministry of Health. Human rights militants and the full NGO community to see the demand to assist the affected parties. 2. Juncture. as a consequence. puting up of appropriate plans to assist control the threat caused by alcohol addiction. for case puting up a rehabilitation Centre. 3. Alcoholics see the demand to halt taking intoxicant. holding realized the hurting they inflict on their households. 6 1. 8 Restrictions of the Study The survey was based on a sample size of 30 respondents drawn from an accessible population which consists of persons from Suneka community in Kisii south territory. Owing to scarceness of resources. safeguards should hence be taken while generalising findings of this research to other vicinities. This may be majorly due to environmental and societal factors that may factor in to annul the findings. 1. 9 The Scope of the Study The survey chiefly focused on the impact of alcohol addiction on household public assistance. a instance survey of Suneka division. Kisii south territory. Nyanza state in Kenya. The survey was based on a sample of 30 respondents and was conducted between the months of February and March 2009. 7 1. 10 Conceptual Framework ALCOHOLISM FAMILY WELFARE FAMILY HEALTH AND SAFETY MARRIAGE STABILITY FAMILY ECONOMY ALCOHOLISM RESPONSIBILITY WITHDRAWAL LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Fig. 1. 0 A conceptual model on the relationship between alcohol addiction and household public assistance. The survey sought to happen out the relationship that existed between alcohol addiction and constituents of household public assistance viz. : household wellness and safety. matrimony stableness. household economic system. backdown. and the legal deductions. 8 Chapter TWO 2. 0 Literature Review 2. 1 Introduction This chapter contains past surveies in relation to alcohol and alcohol addiction. It has besides highlighted the historical background. It peculiarly focuses on the impacts of alcohol addiction on the economic system. wellness and safety. legal deductions. matrimony stableness. backdown and duties which were the pillars of this survey right from the planetary. Continental and local point of position. It besides contains the critical reappraisal and the sum-up. 2. 2 Past Studies This subdivision will shadow visible radiation on the historical background of alcohol addiction. researched impacts. and the planetary. Continental and local deductions here in Kenya. 2. 2. 0 Historical Background The word alcohol addiction was foremost introduced by a Swedish doctor Magnus Huss ( 1849 ) to intend toxic condition by intoxicant. It was subsequently mentioned in France by M. Gabriel ( 1866 ) in his medical thesis. This marked the development of the word alcohol addiction ( as cited at World Wide Web. asnwers. com/library/psychoanalysisdictionary ) . The most strict definition of an alcoholic ( a individual enduring from alcohol addiction ) is the one provide by Pierre Fouquet. â€Å"An Alcoholic is any adult male or adult female who has lost the ability to make without intoxicant. †The production of intoxicant day of the months back. to around 1400-1600 BC ( Before Christ ) . in the Munainus part between black and Caspian seas. Commercial production of intoxicant was good underway by 1500 BC. Court Wright. ( as cited at World Wide Web. asnwers. com/library ) . Alcohol is likely the oldest drug known to humanity. It was easy for the crude people to detect that fruits and juices left to stand in warm topographic points easy fermented to organize alcoholic mixtures. Alcohol production is chiefly founded on barm cells. which in presence of heat and 9 H2O continue to turn by utilizing up the sugar until the sugar is finished or alcohol content putting to deaths them. Alcohol is a deathly toxicant and in high adequate measures. it kills all living things including the barm cells that produce it. Weil & A ; Rosen. ( as cited at World Wide Web. alcoholicsanonymous. org ) ! It was ab initio believed ( Sigmund Freud. Karl Abraham. Sandor Ferenczi ) that intoxicant does non make symptoms but merely promotes them. taking suppressions and destructing sublimation ( Descombey. 2002 ) . The theory of alcohol addiction ( 1905d ) is summarized in footings of predomination among work forces. get downing at the oncoming of pubescence. Sigmund. ( as cited at World Wide Web. replies. com/ library ) . Magnus the Swedish professor of medical specialty distinguishes between two types of alcohol addiction that is. Acute alcohol addiction. which is due to impermanent effects of intoxicant taken within a short period of time- inebriation and poisoning ; Chronic alcohol addiction. which is a status caused by accustomed usage of alcoholic drinks in toxicant sums over a long period of clip. Prior to the 19th century. alcohol addiction was seen as a moral failing or condemnable. instead than an unwellness. The new. â€Å"Disease†attack to alcohol addiction was started in America perpetrated by the. â€Å"Alcoholism motion. †It consisted of Alcoholics Anonymous ( A self aid group. apparatus in 1935 ) . National commission for Education on alcohol addiction ( subsequently The National Council on Alcoholism ) and the YALE. Centre for intoxicant surveies. The. â€Å"Alcoholism movement†Quickly spread to Britain and later to the remainder of the universe ( Heather & A ; Robertson. 1997 ) . Harmonizing to WHO ( 2004 ) In Africa. for case. intoxicant related drinks are really prevailing among cultural groups branded in different names passed from one coevals to another. Among the common alcoholic drinks are: Chang’aa-Which is common among Samburu pastoralists populating in northern Kenya and the whole of Kenya at big. In fact the word seems to hold gained a national entreaty in Kenya along with Busaa which are frequently used in Kisii among 10 the Gusii community. Others include: Palm vino ( common along the Kenyan seashore ) . banana beer ( made from a fermented mixture of banana and sorghum flour ) and Muratina ( made from sugar cane and Muratina fruit-a fruit grown in Kenya ) . Among the Gusii community. the common alcoholic drinks used from times immemorial include Chang’aa and Busaa. Chang’aa is a distilled merchandise ensuing from malted millet. maize or sorghum alongside molasses the mixture of which has been fermented for a figure of yearss. for case a hebdomad. The fermented malted millet. maize or sorghum mixture in its petroleum province ( nondistilled ) produces Busaa. 2. 2. 1 Global Impact 2. 2. 1. 0 Health Alcohol has raised major attending on the international land chiefly due to its negative impacts in the society. Exceeding the list is the nexus between intoxicant and its impact on wellness. It is of import to observe that intoxicant on its ain can do a medical upset known as alcohol addiction which was the pillar rock of this survey. Surveies indicate that alcohol addiction can originate in a familial upset which can be transferred to the progeny of the victim merely like any other familial upsets. It is estimated that 60 per centum of those who become alkies are believed to hold a familial sensitivity for it. Vallant. ( as cited in Santrock. 2005 ) . Hamgin and others ( 1999 ) besides reported that there is a high frequence of alkies in first degree relations of alkies. Research has shown that intoxicant amendss assorted variety meats in our organic structures ensuing to chronic diseases. Some of these variety meats include: 1. The Liver: Excessive ingestion of intoxicant consequences to liver cirrhosis and liver hepatitis. Hepatitis is the redness of the liver while liver cirrhosis is a liver complaint that interferes with the liver’s normal construction and map. Both diseases can be fatal 11 2. Blood: Excessive ingestion of intoxicant interferes with both the construction and map of blood. High measures of intoxicant amendss red blood cells doing them to go abnormally big every bit good as the devastation of white blood cells which consequences to low unsusceptibility whereas damaging of ruddy blood cells may take to malignant neoplastic disease in appendages ( NIAAA ) . The NIAAA in the United States of America suggests that a connexion exists between heavy intoxicant ingestion and increased malignant neoplastic disease hazard. In fact 3. 56 per centum malignant neoplastic disease instances all over the universe are related to alcohol imbibing ensuing to 3. 5 per centum of all malignant neoplastic disease deceases. 3. Heart and circulatory system: Alcohol imbibing affects these organic structure systems doing such disease as bosom onslaughts. shot ( which arises when a blood coagulum from the bosom enters the circulatory system into the encephalon barricading blood circulation in the encephalon ) Alcohol is besides non good for pregnant adult females for it can take to assorted birth upsets such as. Fetal Alcohol syndrome ( FAS ) . Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder ( FASD ) . These are lasting birth defects on off-springs of adult females who consume material intoxicant during gestation ( NIAAA ) . Other wellness deductions include Sexual disfunction and epilepsy and in appendages even doing decease straight. Despite the legion researches on the deductions of intoxicant on wellness. non much has been done on the frequence of such wellness deductions on households affected by alcohol addiction. However. for an alcoholic it is of import to observe. possibly non for his/her interest but for the children’s interest. that if they continue the way to alcohol addiction they are seting their kids at the exposure to this upset since comprehensive surveies have shown that kids of alcoholics’ show a three-to-four times hazard of developing the upset. Recent surveies have proved that alcohol addiction is 40 to 60 per centum attributed to cistrons. go forthing 40 to 50 per centum on environmental influences. Schuckit ; Anthenelle Schuckit. ( as cited in Schonbeck. 2004 ) . Alcohol is non besides good for the encephalon doing psychological injury in the long tally with cases such 12 as depression and anxiousness with every bit many as 25 per centum of alkies showing terrible psychiatric perturbations. Alcohol consequence reveals an overall sulky encephalon activity ( Revolution wellness. 2007 ) . 2. 2. 1. 1 Safety Alcoholism has besides raised oculus blows in relation to its influence on safety in the society. Top on this list is route accidents. Indeed in most accidents grossly impaired judgement reduced automatic activity and decreased ocular perceptual experience all play their portion. In the United States 41 per centum of all traffic human deaths are alcohol related. On norm. intoxicant related motor vehicle accidents occur after every 30 proceedingss wounding 500. 000 Americans annually with 30 per centum of all Americans involved in such accidents at one clip during their life clip while 50 per centum of such injury instances end up dead. ( World Wide Web. niaaa. National Institutes of Health. gov ) . Harmonizing to Santrock ( 2005 ) . 60 per centum of homicides involve usage of intoxicant by either the wrongdoer or victim and 20 per centum of suicide instances involve usage of intoxicant by the victim. with 65 per centum of aggressive cases against adult females affecting the usage of intoxicant by the wrongdoer. Santrock besides reports that intoxicant additions cases of aggressiveness ; to be precise alkies are more easy provoked when rummy than when they are sober to unleash rough words. throw a clout or draw a trigger of a gun. Dougherty. Benelt & A ; others ; Fale-Steward. aureate & A ; Schumacher. ( as cited in Santrock. 2005 ) . Harmonizing to Seto & A ; Barbaree ( as cited in Santrock. 2005 ) . it is unfortunate that the people who are already prone to aggression are besides the 1s who are likely to imbibe and so go violent when they become drunk! Peoples under the influence of intoxicant. about commit half of the colzas and other violent offenses. Abbey. Ross & A ; McDuffie ; Abbey & A ; others. ( as cited in Santrock. 2005 ) . All these comprehensive research focuses on the impacts of alcohol addiction on the alcoholic’s safety but fails to shadow visible radiation on the agony which the household has to undergo as 13 a consequence. Equally most of these research findings do non convey out clearly the frequence of such jeopardies among households of alcoholics’ . 2. 2. 1. 2 Marriage Stability It is estimated that more than 40 per centum of separated or divorced adult females were married to or populate with a job drinker with more than three fourths of non-fatal female victims of domestic force holding reported that the attacker had been imbibing ( www. alcohlics-info. com ) . Harmonizing to Holden ( 1996 ) one in every three divorces are attributed to alcohol imbibing. It is clear while intoxicant seems to be a clear menace to stableness in matrimonies it is ill-defined. on where precisely it impairs on matrimony stableness. 2. 2. 1. 3 Duty It is estimated that a majority of 10 per centum work force in the United Kingdom have jobs due to alcohol ( Holden. 1996 ) . Harmonizing to Velleman. intoxicant affects the quality of rearing. although the facets of quality of rearing are non good defined ( as cited at World Wide Web. alcoholandfamilies. org ) . At the prime of alcohol addiction the alcoholic manifests an arrant neglect to everything. including shelter. household. nutrient. and occupation. These occasional flights into limbo are best described. ironically. as. ‘Drinking to acquire off from the problems’ caused by imbibing ( www. alcoholics-info. com ) . These surveies indicate a clear nexus between alcohol addiction and the function it plays in the executing of duties at big but fails to pin-point the peculiar impact of alcohol addiction on household duties and the frequence of the points mentioned above in a household scene. Santrock ( 2005 ) . acknowledges the fact that orgy imbibing. normally associated with high BAC. to be associated with category absences. physical hurts. problem with constabulary and unprotected sex all cases of disregard of duties by kids ( college pupils ) who are a unit of the household. 14 2. 2. 1. 4 Legal Deductions There are at least 50 thousand recognized alkies in Victoria-Australia. with one-hundred thousand rummy and disorderly strong beliefs each twelvemonth ( Wright. 1991 ) . Drinking at inappropriate times can take to legal proceedings such as Drinking and drive. beyond the legal set bounds. or public upset. Harmonizing to NIAAA ( 1997 ) 40 per centum of assaults are alcohol related. About 3/4 of all captives in 1997 were involved in intoxicant or drug maltreatment in some manner taking to their current offense ( United States Department of Justice Statistics. 1997 ) . From research already conducted at that place seems to be a nexus between intoxicant and offense but on the other side no surveies exists on the frequence of legal state of affairss encountered by alkies in a household puting or their households or challenges faced by such households when faced by such happenings. 2. 2. 1. 5 Withdrawal Unlike backdown from other drugs. backdown from intoxicant differs most significantly from other drugs. since it can be straight fatal ( NIAAA. 1997 ) . For illustration it is highly rare for diacetylmorphine or cocaine backdown to be fatal. When people die from diacetylmorphine or cocaine backdown they typically have serious underlying wellness jobs which are made worse by the strain of ague backdown. An alcoholic nevertheless. who has no serious wellness. issues has a important hazard of deceasing from the direct effects of backdown if it is non decently managed. When intoxicant is stopped. particularly suddenly. the person’s nervous system suffers from great encephalon instabilities. This can ensue in symptoms that include anxiousness. life endangering ictuss. craze tremens and hallucinations. shingles and possible bosom failure. During backdown particularly acute backdown symptoms tend to lessen after 1 – 3 hebdomads. Less terrible symptoms ( e. g. insomnia and anxiousness ) may go on as portion of a station backdown syndrome bit by bit bettering with abstention for a twelvemonth or more. Withdrawal symptoms begin to lessen as the organic structure and cardinal nervous system makes versions to change by reversal tolerance and reconstruct 15 maps towards normal organic structure working. It is apparent that from completed research the accustomed user experiences hangover ( a combination of caput aching. sickness. weariness and depression ) a state of affairs which may be really ambitious. Harmonizing to Hamigan & A ; others. ( as cited in Thom. 2009 ) one in nine persons who drink continue the way to alcohol addiction. However. harmonizing to Vallant. ( as cited in Santrock. 2005 ) by the age of 65 a tierce of alkies are dead or in awful form ; a 3rd is still seeking to bear dependence and a 3rd is abstentious or imbibing merely socially. Vallant found the factors taking to successful backdown to be predicted by: 1. Having a strong negative experience with intoxicant. for case serious medical exigency 2. Finding a replacement depends. for case speculation. exercising or gluttony ( which besides has serious medical deductions ) 3. Developing a positive relationship such as a caring employer or a new matrimony 4. Joining a support group such as Alcoholics anon. ( AA ) . Vallant acknowledges that more than 18 million patients presently need intoxicant intervention and merely one 4th of all time get intervention for a figure of grounds such as deficiency of handiness of such installations lack of equal infinite. limited support or because drinkers object to the intervention. These surveies clearly depict the challenges confronting backdown from the medical base point. However. it is of import to observe that non much has been done on the impacts of backdown on the household set-up. 2. 2. 1. 6 Economy Alcohol besides does no good for the economic system. In 1989 it cost British industry 1. 7 billion United Kingdom lbs ( Holden. 1996 ) . Harmonizing to a recent particular study prepared for United States Congress by NIAAA. the impact of intoxicant on society including force. traffic accidents. lost work productiveness and premature deceases. cost America in sum an estimated 188 billion United States dollars 16 yearly. However. non much has been done on the impacts of intoxicant on household economic system and personal fiscal direction and stableness as separate from National or Global economic impacts. 2. 3 Continental Impact The continent Africa is characterized by poorness and unemployment. Extensive research has shown that these factors are a contributory to the start of intoxicant consumption and accordingly alcohol addiction. African states have high reported instances of domestic force which are mostly attributed to ingestion of intoxicant. Since most of the imbibing population is hapless and they can’t afford ‘expensive and classy’ commercial trade names. they have opted for the inexpensive non-hygienical local brews. The imbibing population besides spends most of their fundss on intoxicant go forthing their households financially unstable hence their household economic system is in a awful province. Excessive intoxicant ingestion besides causes serious negative consequence on birthrate in both work forces and adult females: diminishing testicular and ovarian size. interfering with sperm and egg production and viability. interrupting catamenial rhythms. and cut downing libido. When gestation is achieved decreased quality of sperm and egg may significantly and for good impact the quality of life. pre and post-natal. of the kid. A kid born to an intoxicant utilizing adult female has a great hazard of being born with foetal intoxicant syndrome. which causes typical cranial and facial defects. including a smaller caput size. shortening of the palpebras. and a lowered encephalon capableness. Developmental disablements. bosom defects. and behavioural jobs are besides more likely. There has been an call among adult females from Mombasa. a town in the Kenyan seashore. that alcohol consumption among their work forces common people is doing them incapable of executing their connubial responsibilities. Alcohol ingestion has besides caused legion wellness jeopardies within the Continental standing similar to what is being experienced globally. Among such diseases common in Africa include: liver disease. physical hurts due to short 17 term effects of intoxicant leave entirely the psychological complaints that the household of the alky has to travel through ( Asenjo. 2009 ) . It is nevertheless of import to observe that unlike in western states. in Africa intoxicant is more reserved to the male population. Womans who drink are seen as a societal frailty associated with harlotry and immorality therefore. as such intoxicant has gained much prevalence among work forces and as such most alkies are work forces. It is ironical that since times immemorial adult females have ever prepared the brew. but they give it to their male opposite numbers for ingestion. Alcoholism besides increases cases of matrimony break down due to such factors as domestic force. disregard of duty ( a major job ) and the psychological impacts involved largely among the adult females fork and the kids of the alcoholic hubby semen male parent. However. unlike in the developed states where there exists. in copiousness. establishments dedicated to help alkies agitate off their wonts. such installations are really rare in the black continent. These can be attributed to the fact that in most communities. intoxicant ingestion is regarded as a traditional artefact and as the expression goes. â€Å"Mwacha mila Ni mtumwa â€Å" ( A Swahili adage which translates into. â€Å"He who abandons tradition is a foreigner†. Besides this can be cited as a ground chiefly responsible for low cases of backdown in the continent. Withdrawal. if any. is due to 1s own attempts or in some cases force per unit area from a peculiar category in the community for case. church or 1s ain household. It is. nevertheless. of import to observe that despite the ‘naked’ impacts ( negative ) caused by intoxicant all over the continent. non much has been done to better understand the job from a Continental base point and whatever givens that exists about alcohol addiction. are merely mere generalisations. in that instance. of what happens in the West to be applicable in Africa every bit good. which might non ever be the instance owing to the so obvious cultural and societal difference 18 2. 4 Local Impact The annihilating effects of intoxicant and drugs on immature people can be felt au naturel today. Experts have sounded dismaying bells after two surveies revealed that school kids every bit immature as 11 are falling quarry to alcohol. Research at the African Mental Health foundation says that in the last four old ages the usage of intoxicant and other drugs among immature people has increased by a astonishing 71 per centum. In Kenya. live intoxicant ingestion is estimated to be 5. 0 liters of pure intoxicant per capita for population older than 15 old ages for the old ages after 1995. estimated by a group of cardinal intoxicant experts ( WHO. 2004 ) . A 1997 to 1998 study sponsored by the Economic ad Social Research council and The British Institute
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